In Nigeria, the foundations of federalism was laid by the...
In Nigeria, the foundations of federalism was laid by the
Macpherson Constitution
Lyttleton Constitution
Clifford Constitution
Richards Constitution
Correct answer is D
Bernard Bourdillon the Governor-general at that time initiated and laid the foundation of federalism in Nigeria in 1939 by creating three provinces. He later handed over the constitution to his successor Arthur Richards and it became the Richards Constitution of 1946.
A feature unique to General Murtala Muhammed's Supreme Military Council as compared to that...
The judiciary controls the executive in federal state through ...
The Nigerian federalism is a ...
A classless society is the ultimate goal of ...
One way by which the legislature checks the executive is by ...
The first commission set up to work out revenue procedure for Nigeria was the ...
A major way of maintaining confidence in the electoral process is by ensuring that ...
The law of libel limits a citizen's right to freedom of ...
One major disadvantage of a two two-party system is that it ...
An electoral system in which the winner must secure more than 50% of the vote is described...