A referendum is a device to ensure that
...A referendum is a device to ensure that
elections are free and fair
legislators vote to resolve contentious issues
decisions are effected with the consent of citizens
bye-elections are held to fill vacant positions
Correct answer is C
The primary purpose of representatives (the legislature). The law makers seek the consent of the people before they embarking on any decision.
The Barclay's Bank and the British Petroleum Company in Nigeria were nationalized in the late 19...
Nobles who form government are called ...
One of the features of Local Government Reforms of 1976 in Nigeria is the ...
Under a presidential system of government, the chief executive is accountable to the ...
Which of the following was the first political party in Nigeria? The ...
Diplomatic missions among the Commonwealth member states are referred to as ...
A feature of a confederal state is that _______ ...
The type of government where the central authority is superior to the component authorities is a ...
An opposition party which sees itself as ''government -in-waiting'' is called ______...