The system of indirect rule failed in the former Eastern ...
The system of indirect rule failed in the former Eastern Nigeria primarily because
of the fragmented political structures
the Chief refused to cooperate with colonial officers
the high incidence of taxation Chief refused to cooperate with colonial officers
the colonial officers imposed warrant chiefs on the people
Correct answer is A
It had no absolute leader unlike the Hausas and the Yoruba's. Furthermore they had no political mouthpiece or leader. This system is described as 'acephalous'.
The head of the electoral body that conducted the June 12 1993 elections was ...
All the following are features of a representative government except ...
By the 1979 constitution, the president has all the following powers except ...
A state that has two levels of government is commonly referred to as ...
The transformation of the OAU to AU is essentially to ...
The political rights of a citızen include the ...
Which of the following is an advantage a country derives from international relations? ...