Laws made by military government at the state level are c...
Laws made by military government at the state level are called
Correct answer is A
Rule by decree is a style of governance allowing quick, unchallenged foundation of law by a single person or group, and is used primarily by dictators, absolute monarchs and military leaders. Rule by decree allows the ruler to arbitrarily edit law, without approval by a legislative assembly. In simple terms, decrees are federal laws made in a military regime, edicts are state laws in a military regime
The Rule of law is limited by ...
The Secretary - General of the United Nations Organization (UNO)is appointed for a period of ...
Citizenship in a modern state expresses the status of a person who possesses ...
In the Hausa pre- colonial political system, a district was headed by ...
Which of the following options does not constitute the main objectives of the United Nations? ...
Nigeria was formally divided into three regions under the constitution of ...
When was the Nigeria flag designed? ...
The major objective of the manifesto of the People's Redemption Party in the Second Republic was...
The Eastern and Western regions of Nigeria achieved the status of self-government in ...
In the per-colonial Hausa political system, the madawaki performed the function of ...