The appropriate food to be given to the child in the pict...
The appropriate food to be given to the child in the picture above is?
avocado pear
Correct answer is A
A good proportion should be (animal) protein, so that we may be sure of giving also enough vitamin B12, and a satisfactory mixture of amino-acids.
Protein can be found in foods like:
Which of the following structural features are adapted for uses other than water conservation? ...
Which of the following characteristics do fungi share in common with animals? ...
A marine protozoan is likely to have no contractile vacuole mainly because the cytoplasm is ...
The structure labelled l is the ...
Which of the following pairs of structures does not perform similar functions? ...
Which of the following groups of factors do the Agama lizards compete for? I. Space II. Food II...
For effective functioning of a bird's quill feather, hooks fit on the ridge of the ...
When a mixture of a food substance and Benedict's solution was warmed, the solution changed from...
In which of the following does external fertilization take place? ...
Which of the labelled parts enable the animal to stay under water most of the time? ...