Nigeria became a federation of thirty-six state during th...
Nigeria became a federation of thirty-six state during the era of
Abdulsalami Abubakar
Yakubu Gowon
Ibrahim Babangida
Sani Abacha
Correct answer is D
In 1996, General Sani Abacha came to power. He managed to create six more states, which gives us a current number of 36 states.
The new states were:
The money given by the central government to local authorities is known as ...
Voting at elections is one of the ways to ...
The citizenship of a country could be acquired through_______ ...
Local government is established in order to? ...
Neutrality of civil servants means that they ...
The Barclay's Bank and the British Petroleum Company in Nigeria were nationalized in the late&nb...
One significant aspect of the legislative council of 19922 was that ...
A system of government that is made up of elected people is referred to as ...