Correct answer is D
Heat = mc\(\theta\)
Hx = Dx x Vx x Cx x \(\theta\)x
Hy = Dy x Vy x Cy x \(\theta\)y
\(\frac{H_x}{H_y}\) = \(\frac{D_x \times V_x \times C_x \times \theta_x}{D_x \times V_x \times C_x \times \theta_x}\)
= 2 x \(\frac{1}{2}\)
= 1
The helium isotope \(^3_2He\) ...
Which of the following is/are not affected by a magnetic field? I. Neutrons II. Cathode rays III....
In an elastic collision, momentum is conserved as well as well as? ...
Lenz's law is a law of conservation of ...
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