Under the pre-colonial Sokoto Caliphate system, the next ...
Under the pre-colonial Sokoto Caliphate system, the next in command to the sultan was the
Correct answer is D
Waziri was the next in command to the Sultan under the pre-colonial Sokoto Caliphate system. He was the Emir. He performed the duties of the modern day Prime Minister in a cabinet system of government. He settled inter-emirate disputes.
The ability of leaders make and enforce decisions in a state is called ...
Gerontocracy is a form of government in which power is held by ...
Government by the wealthy is known as ...
A state with a hegemonic political party is one in which ...
Communism is a system which recognizes ...
Military might is a major determinant of a country's _______ ...
One of the advantages of a bicameral over a unicameral legislature is that it ...
The Native Authority system of local administration was introduced by the British in Nigeria to ...
Which of the following emphasizes the rule of law and human right protection? ...