3 rev s-1
40 rev s-1
360 rev s-1
2400 rev s-1
Correct answer is C
\(\frac{\text {speed of driver}}{\text {speeder driven}}\) = \(\frac{\text {no. of teeth of driver}}{\text {no. of teeth of driven}}\)
\(\frac{120}{V}\) = \(\frac{20}{60}\)
v = 360 rev s-1
Which of the following statements is not an advantage of an alkaline accumulator? ...
A metal rod has a length of 100cm at 200°C. At what temperature will its length be 99.4cm. If th...
Which of the following statements is correct about a machine? ...
The lead-acid accumulator consists of ...
from the diagram above, the inductive reactance and the resistance R are respectively ...