A style full of words
...In the question given below, out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.
A style full of words
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
According to the writer, the administration in India ...
I haven't eaten an apple ...... a long while. ...
S1: The future beckons to us. P : In fact we have hard work ahead. Q : Where do we go and what...
They would not have able to plan the details of the job, if you had not cooperated. ...
We admired the way he had completed all his work and appreciating the method adopted by him. ...
The managing director remarked that the secretary was an asset to the company. ...
S1: Sun birds are among the smallest of Indian birds. P : Though they are functionally similar to...
Catching the earlier train will give us the ...... to do some shopping. ...
S1: Most of the universities in the country are now facing financial crisis. P : Cost benefit yar...
According to the Bible, it is meek and humble who shall inherit the earth. ...