The upper house in most federal systems is created to
...The upper house in most federal systems is created to
vensure equality of federating units
oversee and check the lower house
prevent excesses of the executive
enable experienced elders make inputs to governance
Correct answer is C
The upper house in most federal systems is created to prevent excesses of the executive.
Bicameralism makes it difficult for the executive to dominate the two chambers.
Which of the following is an organ of the United Nations Organization (UNO)? ...
Nigeria's concern for decolonization in Africa was responsible for her abandonment of pro-west p...
Rule by the old people is known as ...
Fundamental human rights are entrenched in the Constitution of a state in order to ...
The media helps to enrich discourse on national issues through its ...
An undesirable feature of capitalism is ...
In a cabinet system of government, executive power is exercised by the ...
The implementation of indirect rule was supervised by the __________ ...
The reluctance of military regimes to hand over power to civilian administration is because they ...