Which of the following is a duty of an electoral commissi...
Which of the following is a duty of an electoral commission?
Registration of political parties
Creation of political parties
Establishment of electoral tribunals
inauguration of the parliament
Correct answer is A
Registration of political parties is a duty of an electoral commission.
Other functions of Electoral Commission are as follows:
a. Division of the country into Constituencies.
b. Registration of voters
c. Determines the type of voting
d. Building of polling booths
e. Provision of Election materials
f. Display and Revision of Voter's Lists
g. Appointment and training of electoral officers
h. Registration of candidates of election
i. Conduct of elections
j. Counting of votes
k. Publishing of election results
l. Enlightens and educates the voters
m. Provision of protection to voters and officials.
n. Disbursement of grants
o. Sees about auditing of accounts.
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