They were all shocked at his failure in ...
Which of the phrases given below the sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.
They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.
were shocked at all
had all shocked at
had all shocked by
had been all shocked on
No correction required
Correct answer is E
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Not a word they spoke to the unfortunate wife about it ...
Which sentence should come first in the paragraph ? ...
No sooner we reached there than it started raining heavily. ...
How long will the people put up with the increasing economic hardships? ...
They are not beware of all the facts ...
Which sentence should come fourth in the paragraph ? ...
What is the synonym of IRONIC? ...
If you work hard, you will get good grades in examinations. ...
Four words are given below. Find out the word, of which the spelling is WRONG. Choose option 'E&...