The arm of government mainly responsible for the implemen...
The arm of government mainly responsible for the implementing of law in Nigeria is the
Correct answer is D
The arm of government mainly responsible for the implementing of law in Nigeria is the Executive.
The structure or branches of Government are:
1. Legislature. This arm is responsible for making of laws
2. The Executive. This is made up of the Head of State. as the Chief Executive, the Army, the Police and other functionaries of government at the Federal, State and Local Government levels. This arm of government sees to it that the laws made by the legislature are enforced and implemented.
The day to day running of government functions is also the responsibility of the Executive.
3. The Judiciary. This is the branch or arm of government that interprets and of government that interprets and enforces the laws and rules of the country. It is the Judiciary that sees about the correct interpretation of the constitution of the country.
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