MEAN Stack Developer Interview Questions & Answers
MEAN Stack Developer is a software engineer who is specialized in developing web applications with so called MEAN, a collection of JavaScript-based technologies.
Whether you're a job seeker preparing to be interviewed for the role of MEAN Stack Developer or
an employer preparing to interview candidates for MEAN Stack Developer position,
these MEAN Stack Developer interview questions will help you prepare yourself for the job interview session.
MEAN Stack Developer Interview Questions
Below are a list of some skill-based MEAN Stack Developer interview questions.
- What is MEAN?
- Can you explain the main components of a MEAN stack application?
- Have you done any projects using MEAN stack? Tell us about them.
- How does MongoDB differ from other relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL?
- What are some common use cases for using the MEAN stack?
- What’s the best way to update NodeJS on Mac OS X/Windows/Linux?
- What happens if a server has multiple web applications running on it with different versions of Node JS installed?
- Is there anything else that can be used in place of Node Package Manager (NPM)?
- Why do we need to install Bower separately when we already have NPM?
- What are some ways to manage dependencies in Angular JS?
- What’s the difference between development mode and production mode in Angular JS?
- What are some advantages of using Express JS over other frameworks like Django or Flask?
- What are some common gotchas or caveats when using the MEAN stack?
- How do you handle errors thrown by third-party libraries in express js?
- What are some ways to communicate between client and server in an Angular JS app?
- What are the differences between using Promises and Callbacks?
- What are some good practices to follow when using “ng-include” in angular?
- Can you explain how to configure a route in Angular JS?
- What are middleware functions in express js?
- What are some common things that can go wrong when installing npm modules?
- What are the IDEs that can be used for Node.JS development?
- Give a brief on the working mechanism of Node.Js?
- Shed light on the differences between AJAX, Node.Js, and JQuery?
- What Is Mongoose?
- Explain the scenarios when Node.js should not be used.
- What is the usage of a buffer class in Node.js?
- Explain callback in Node.js.
- What is REPL In Node.Js?
MEAN Stack Developer Interview Questions and Answers
Every interview is different and the questions may vary.
However, there are lots of general questions that get asked at every interview.
Below are some common questions you'd expect during MEAN Stack Developer interviews. Click on each question to see how to answer them.
- Are You a Leader or a Follower?
- What is Your Greatest Weakness?
- What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?
- Why Do You Want This Job?
- What is Your Greatest Strength?
- Do You Have Any Questions for Us?
- Why Should We Hire You?
- What is Your Salary Expectation?
- Tell Me About Yourself
- Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?