Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

As a job interview draws to an end, it's common for the interviewer(s) to ask, "Do you have any questions for us?". While it's tempting to answer with a polite "No thanks," you should always ask questions.

In fact, interviewers expect you to ask questions — to assess your interest in the role, see if you've been listening, and determine if you've researched the company. If you don't ask questions, the interviewer might think you haven't done your homework or aren't interested in the opportunity.

Therefore, it makes sense to plan for it in advance and be prepared. Having a few quality questions prepared will ensure you're ready for this question and can help set you apart from the competition.

In this article, we discuss the types of questions to ask and the types of questions to avoid when asked "Do you have any questions for us?".

How to Answer "Do You Have Any Questions for Us?" in an Interview

While preparing for an interview, develop a list of questions that you want answered by the interviewer and keep in mind that these questions may change slightly based upon your interviewer.

For instance, if you're meeting with the person who will be your manager, you might ask specific questions about your intended role. If you're meeting with someone from human resources, your questions might focus on the interviewing process or on the overall organization of the company.

Below are a few broad categories of questions that are appropriate to ask your interviewer when they throw the common interview question "Do you have any questions for us?" at you.

Questions about the job

The hiring manager may have already covered information about the job’s functions, but this is the ideal time to get more details about the day-to-day responsibilities, expectations and goals. You could ask:

  • Can you share more about the day-to-day responsibilities of this role? How would you describe the pace of a typical day?
  • If I were hired for this role, what would be expected of me to achieve in my first month?
  • What is the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for this role?
  • What mechanisms are in place for performance reviews and when would I receive my first formal evaluation?
  • How many people are on the team I’d be part of?
  • Why did the last person in this position leave?
  • How long has this position been open?
  • Is this a new position?
  • Would I be working in the office or remotely?
  • What does the onboarding process look like at this company?
  • Is travel required for this job?
  • Will I be expected to work nights and/or weekends for this position?

Questions about the company

Asking questions about the company reveals that you’ve done your research and gives you a better picture of the company’s outlook, values and culture. Plus, it gives the impression that you’re interested in growing with the company long-term. Consider asking:

  • How would you describe the management style of the organization?
  • What's something that makes you happy about coming into work each day?
  • How long have you been at the company?
  • Can you talk about company culture?
  • What is the greatest challenge facing the company?
  • What are the company's goals for the upcoming year?
  • What kind of growth does the company expect to see within the next five years?
  • Can you describe some of the company’s recent challenges and achievements?

Questions about you

You can use this moment to get a sense of how the interviewer perceived you during the interview, and if they think you're a good candidate. With these questions, you might want to preface by expressing your excitement for the role, and then (based on the feedback you get) address the issue on the spot. You can ask:

  • What are your concerns about my candidacy?
  • Are there any qualifications that you think I'm missing?
  • Do feel I’m lacking in a particular area or skill set?

Questions about the next steps

Save your final question to ask about the next steps in the hiring process. You’ll convey your interest in the job one last time as well as learn about the hiring timeline, potential additional interviews or when you can expect to hear from them. You might say:

  • I’ve really enjoyed learning more about this opportunity. What are the next steps in the hiring process?
  • Thank you for explaining the role to me in such depth. When might I hear back from you regarding a decision?

Mistakes to avoid when answering "Do you have any questions for us?"

While you shouldn't be afraid to ask tough questions, there are some general things you should avoid:

  • Not having questions: You know this question is coming, and interviewers expect you to have questions, don't make the mistake of not having any.
  • Asking questions you could answer yourself: If you can answer your question with a quick Google search or by reading the company's website, skip it. The interview is your opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the company from someone who works there. Simple questions can also indicate to the interviewer that you haven't taken the time to do your research.
  • Complicated or multi-part questions: They're hard to follow and even harder to answer. Try to keep each question focused on a specific point.
  • Self-serving questions: While it's OK to ask about salary, health insurance, vacation time, and other perks, remember that the main point of a job interview is to demonstrate you're an excellent fit for the company.
  • Personal questions and gossip: This is one you'll have to play by ear, some interviewers like talking about their personal lives before, during, or after an interview, while others prefer to avoid it. Use your judgment.
  • Yes or no questions: Most yes or no questions can be answered by Google or by reading the company's website. Ask questions that open up the conversation and help you get an inside look into the company.
  • Asking what the company does: This is a huge red flag that you haven't done your research. You should always show respect to yourself and the company you're interviewing with by investing time into researching the company before you apply.
  • Don't ask too many questions: While you want to be prepared to ask one or two, take the hint and wind down your questions when interviewers begin to shuffle paper, glance at their watch, or wake up sleeping computers.

Always remember, a great way to prepare for interview questions is to have a friend or family member pretend to be the interviewer who asks you questions while you practise your answers.