Current Recruitment at AIM Consultants Limited
AIM Consultants Limited is a privately owned Nigeria company, which was established in Lagos, Nigeria in 1979, and has since grown to become one of the leading multi-disciplinary consultancy, not only in the Country but also in the Continent. AIM is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission with Certificate of Incorporation R.C. 30821 and NIS ISO 9001: 2008 (Certificate No. 0000475). AIM is the major Nigerian Consultancy that exports services to the sub-region. AIM's work force is over 220 colleagues.
We are recruiting to fill the positions below:
Job Title: Engineering Cost Estimator
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
- Candidates must possess B. Sc. / B.Eng. Degree in Civil Engineering or Quantity Surveying registered and Member with Relevant Accreditation Bodies.
- Minimum 10 years experience.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone West Africa.
Job Title: Land Surveyor
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
- B.Sc. or HND Degree in Land Surveying, Accredited with Relevant Professional Bodies, Minimum 10years experience.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone West Africa.
Job Title: Procurement Engineer / Specialist
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
Job Description / Requirements
- Procurement Engineer / Specialist responsible for Planning, Coordination of all procurement processes including shipment.
- Must possess minimum of B.Sc. / B.Eng. / B.Tech. Degree, Minimum 10 years experience.
- Member of Relevant Accreditation Bodies and knowledgeable with International Procurement Procedure.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone west africa.
Job Title: Contract / Claim Expert
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Contract / Claim Expert preferably a B.Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering and Registered with COREN, or a Degree in the Procurement or Social Science.
- Quantity Surveys could apply if CV is highly adequate and registered QSRBN, experienced in Donors/Banks Financed Road Projects and with Minimum 6 years experience.
Job Title: Inspector / Clerk of Works
Location: Lagos
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Experienced in design review and supervision in francophone Africa.
- Design review and supervision of river bridges
- Shall possess a Civil Engineering Degree B.Sc. or B. Eng.
- Minimum 10 years experience in Review and Interpretation of drawings, Site Layouts Construction Methods to ensure Compliance to Legal and Safety requirements and maintains Daily Logs and supplements inspection records with photographs, shall Measure the Works and shall Compute Estimate of Works Completed.
- Possess experience as Inspector / Clerk of works in Bridges and Roads projects for 8 years.
- Accredited with Relevant Professional Bodies.
Job Title: Electro-Mechanical / Instrumentation Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
Job Description / Requirements
- Electro-Mechanical / Instrumentation Engineer responsible for planning, coordinating of all Procurement Processes including coordinating the installation of Electro-Mechanical Facilities on the project and budgeting as well as Cost Controls of Electro-Mechanical Equipment.
- Must possess B.Sc. / B.Eng. Degree in Electrical/ Electronics / Instrumentation / Mechanical Engineering. Accredited with relevant professional bodies and Minimum of 10 years experience.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone west africa.
Job Title: Socio Economist
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Socio Economist with relevant Degree in the Social Sciences, knowledgeable in SIAs, RAPs, raising awareness on HIV / AIDs and STDs, Road Safety, Teenage Pregnancy and Malaria Control, with min. 10 years experience. Experienced in Donors/s Financed Road Projects is an advantage. Schedule of Socio Economist will be flexible.
Job Title: Environmental Expert
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Environmental Expert with a Degree or similar Qualification in Environmental Engineering or Science with Minimum 10 years experience in Environmental Engineering Works with Professional Certification.
- A relevant Postgraduate degree will be an advantage. The Environmental expert should have experience in Donors / Banks Financed Projects. Ensuring the contractor complies with Environmental Management Plan as in Contract Documents. Schedule of transport / Road. Safety Engineer will be flexible.
Job Title: Structural Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
Job Description / Requirements
- Structural Engineer in charge of inspection of structural facilities including QA/QC and remeasurement of Quantities.
- Accredited with relevant professional bodies and Minimum of 10 years experience.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone west africa.
Job Title: Chief Surveyor
Location: Lagos
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Experienced in design review and supervision in francophone africa.
- Design review and supervision of river bridges
- He shall be responsible for Survey Works.
- At least 10 years experiences in Land Surveying
Job Title: Water / Sanitary Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
- Water / Sanitary Engineer responsible of suggesting Design Alternatives including detailed studies and preparation of cost estimates when the need arises to develop project budgets and cost control.
- Must possess a minimum of B.Sc. / B.Eng. Degree in Civil / Water Engineering and member of relevant accredited bodies.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone West Africa.
Job Title: Geotechnical / Soils and Materials Engineer
Location: Lagos
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Experienced in design review and supervision in francophone africa.
- Design review and supervision of river bridges
- Responsible for all Subsoil Geotechnical Matters as well as soils and Construction Materials used in the works.
- Geotechnical / Soil experienced and Materials Engineer on Road/ Bridge Construction during the last 12 years.
- Participated in the Supervision of at least two Road / Bridge Construction Projects.
- Accredited with Relevant Professional Bodies.
Job Title: Civil / Hydraulic Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
- Candidates should possess a Minimum of Degree (B.Sc. / B.Eng.) in Civil Engineering with specializations in Water Hydraulics with Minimum 10 years experience and member of relevant accredited bodies.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone west africa.
Job Title: Resident Engineer (Planning and Coordination)
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
- Candidates should possess a Master's Degree level in Engineering with at least 12 years experience of which 6 years as Project Coordinator, and member of relevant accredited bodies.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone west africa.
Job Title: Assistant Resident Engineer / Bridges / Structural Engineer
Location: Lagos
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Experienced in design review and supervision in francophone africa.
- Design review and supervision of river bridges
- Must possess B.Sc./ B.Eng. Degree in Civil or Highway Engineering
- Minimum 12 years of cumulative experience related to Bridge Construction.
- At least 2 Bridge Construction Supervision Projects using balanced cantilever method up to 36m or Box Girder Bridges of Larger Spans.
Job Title: Project Manager / Team Leader
Location: Nigeria
Scope of Works
- The Scope of Works includes packaged Water Treatment, Booster pumps, Transmission Line, Ground Reservoirs, Elevated Water Tanks / Water Towers, Distribution and Metering.
- Experience in Sewage Treatment Plants should be provided for better Assessment of Candidate but will not add to qualification results.
- Candidates should possess a Master's in Civil or Water Resources Engineering with at least 8 years in Water-related works and member of relevant accredited bodies.
- Professionals experienced in design review and supervision in water works in anglophone West Africa.
Job Title: Team Leader / Resident Engineer
Location: Lagos
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Experienced in design review and supervision in francophone africa.
- Design review and supervision of river bridges.
- Team Leader / Resident Engineer responsible of all Technical Administration aspects on site and Principal Contact between Client and Contractor.
- Must possess a Master's degree in Bridge Engineering, Highways, Transport or Geotechnical Engineering.
- Master’s in Civil Engineering acceptable provided CV contains several long span bridges, (The French Degree BAC+5 Ponts et Chaussle acceptable as Master’s Degree) Minimum 15 years experience.
- Familiar with FIDIC Conditions of Contract
- Managed at least 2 projects with a value in excess of $8 Million and familiar with Donors / Banks guidelines.
- Accredited with Relevant Professional Bodies.
Job Title: Transport / Road Safety Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Transport / Road Safety Engineer with B.Sc. Civil or Transport Engineering and with Professional Registration with Minimum 10 years experience in Civil Works of which 5 years in Management and Design of Donors / Banks Financed Projects and Experienced in Transport/ Road Safety Engineering.
- He shall ensure that the Contractor without Compromise or Deviations, Complies in full with the Quality of Works and Standards as Specified in the Technical Drawings and Specifications bid documents and other contract documents, expect for cases previously agreed with the Client.
Job Title: Structure / Bridge Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Structure / Bridge Engineer with B.Sc. Degree Civil Engineering, a Master’s Degree in Civil or preferably Structural Engineering will be an advantage, with Professional Registration with Minimum 10 years experience in Bridge Design and Construction, Experienced in Donors/Banks Financed Projects and shall ensure the Contractor complies with the quality of the works as it relates to structure and Bridge Design Standards as specified in Contract Documents.
Job Title: Geodetic Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Geodetic Engineer with Bachelor Degree / Diploma in Geodetic Engineering, and experienced in Civil Engineering with Minimum 12 years experience of which 10 years spent on large Road Projects in setting and verification, Minimum 10 years experience in Cadastral and Topographic Surveys (i.e: Experience to encompass Civil Engineering), with Professional Registration.
Job Title: Senior Soil / Materials Engineer / Pavement Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Senior Soil / Materials Engineer / Pavement Engineer with B.Sc. in Civil or Soils / Material Engineering and Professional Registration, with 10 years Minimum experience in Supervision of Road Works.
- Minimum 5 years in Road/Materials Laboratory and 5 years experience in Bituminous Pavement Works.
Job Title: Highway Engineer / Registered Assistant Resident Engineer
Location: Nigeria
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Highway Engineer /Registered Assistant Resident Engineer with B.Sc. in Civil or Highway Engineering and Professional Registration with Minimum of 10 years’ experience in Roads Design aspect (i.e: Use of CAD Design tools for Road Design), 7 years in Supervision and Management of Road Projects, experience in supervision and management of Donors / Banks Financed Projects.
Job Title: Resident Engineer / Contract Specialist
Location: Nigeria
Details / Requirements
- Design review and supervision of road works & medium bridges in a neighbouring West African anglophone country.
- Resident Engineer/Contract Specialist to act as a Project Manager with Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering. A Master’s Degree in Highway Engineering will be an advantage.
- Professional Registration with Minimum 15 years’ experience in Supervision of Road Construction / Rehabilitation / Maintenance Operations, of which 6 years’ experience in the management and administration of road construction contracts.
- Specific Experience in contract documentation, road design, pavement structures, materials testing and data management will be advantageous. Individual experience in Technical Assistance role would also be considered an advantage.
- Excellent Communication Skills, conversant with Microsoft Office and Project Management Software.
- Experience in Donors / Banks Financed Projects will also be an advantage.
Job Title: Environmental Specialist
Location: Lagos
Job Type: Contract
Details / Requirements
- Experienced in design review and supervision in francophone Africa.
- Design review and supervision of river bridges
- Responsible for all Environmental and Social issues connected with the Project.
- Must possess a Bachelor's degree in Science or relevant field, with a specialization in Environment a Studies.
- Working experience of 10 years or Environment Specialist in Road / Bridge Construction Projects.
- Participated in Road/Bridge Construction Projects.
- Accredited with Relevant Professional Bodies.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to: cc:
- Schedule of Contract Claims Experts will be flexible.
- All Professional should provide a paragraph indicating their methodology in Capacity Building ensuring proper transfer of Engineering and Technological know-how to the Client’s seven young graduates.
- Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
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