Advertisement for Academic Positions at Federal University of Transportation Daura

The Federal University of Transportation Daura, is a specialized institution established by the Federal Government of Nigeria and located in Daura, Katsina State, Nigeria. The University is committed to becoming a global center of excellence in transportation education, research, and innovation, driving sustainable development and technological advancement.

The University invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for appointment into the following senior academic positions:


  1. Professors (Salary Scale: CONUASS 07)
  2. Associate Professors (Salary Scale: CONUASS 06)
  3. Senior Lecturers (Salary Scale: CONUASS 05)
  4. Lecturer I (Salary Scale: CONUASS 04)

About the University
The Federal University of Transportation Daura offers fourteen (14) specialized programmes in transportation under its two faculties and nine academic departments:

Faculty of Transportation Engineering
1. Department of Civil Engineering

  • B. Eng. Civil Engineering

2. Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

  • B. Eng. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

3. Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

  • B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering
  • B. Eng. Mechatronics Engineering

4. Department of Highway Engineering

  • B. Eng. Highway Engineering

5. Department of Railway Engineering

  • B. Eng. Railway Engineering

Faculty of Transportation Management
1. Department of Logistics and Maritime Economics

  • B.Sc. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • B.Sc. Maritime Economics

2. Department of Aviation and Railway Management

  • B.Sc. Aviation Management
  • B.Sc. Railway Transport Management

3. Department of Transport and Ports Management 

  • B.Sc. Transport Management
  • B.Sc. Sea Port and Dry Port Management

4. Department of Transport Safety and Environmental Administration

  • B.Sc. Maritime Safety and Environmental Administration
  • B.Sc. Inland Waterways Safety & Environmental Administration

General Requirements
Professors (CONUASS 07)

  1. A PhD in a relevant specialization and either already a Professor or has been an Associate Professor (Reader) for at least three (3) years.
  2. At least 10 years of teaching, research, and professional experience in a university or comparable institution.
  3. An excellent track record of scholarly publications in reputable academic journals.
  4. Evidence of supervision of postgraduate students (Master's & PhD).
  5. Proven ability to initiate and execute research projects.

Associate Professors (CONUASS 06)

  1. A PhD in a relevant specialization and either an Associate Professor or has been a Senior Lecturer for at least three (3) years.
  2. At least 8 years of teaching, research, and professional experience in a university or comparable institution.
  3. A significant record of scholarly publications in reputable journals.
  4. Demonstrated capacity for research and leadership in academic activities.

Senior Lecturers (CONUASS 05)

  1. A PhD in a relevant specialization and either a Senior Lecturer or has been a Lecturer I for at least three (3) years
  2. At least 6 years of teaching and research experience in a university or comparable institution.
  3. A good number of scholarly publications in reputable journals.
  4. Demonstrable experience in research and mentorship.

Lecturer I (CONUASS 04)

  1. A PhD in a relevant field of specialization and either a Lecturer I or has been a Lecturer II for at least three (3) years
  2. At least 3 years of teaching and research experience in a university or comparable institution.
  3. Evidence of publications in reputable journals.

Some Areas of Critical Need

  • Railway Track Design and Maintenance
  • Rolling Stock Engineering
  • Signaling and Telecommunications Systems
  • Geotechnical Engineering for Railways
  • Railway Operations and Safety Management
  • Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Big Data Analytics in Transportation
  • Transport Cybersecurity
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Transport
  • AI Applications in Smart Mobility
  • Marine Transport and Port Management
  • Aviation Management and Safety
  • Ship Design and Maintenance
  • Airport Operations and Logistics
  • Transport Economics and Financing
  • Sustainable Transport Policy and Planning
  • Public-Private Partnerships in Transport Development
  • Governance and Regulation of Transport Systems
  • Green Mobility and Electric Vehicles
  • Environmental Impact Assessment for Transport Projects
  • Renewable Energy Solutions for Transportation
  • E-commerce and Last-Mile Delivery Systems
  • Ticketing
  • Terminal Management etc.

We are an equal-opportunity employer and strongly encourage applications from qualified candidates of diverse backgrounds, including women and individuals from all over Africa and beyond.

Method of Application
Interested candidates should submit:

  1. Three (3) copies of detailed Curriculum Vitae including personal details, academic qualifications, work experience, and list of publications with credentials attached to each, names and contact details of three referees (at least one should be an academic referee).
  2. Evidence of previous work experience and contributions to research or practice in the field.

Mode of Submission
Applications should be addressed to:

The Registrar,
Federal University of Transportation Daura,
P.M.B 1050 Daura,
Katsina State, Nigeria.

Additionally, an electronic copy of the application and CV in pdf should be sent to

Deadline for Submission:
All applications must be submitted within four weeks of the date of this publication.

Mal. Muhammad Ibrahim, MANUPA, FIPMA Ag. Registrar| | PMB 1050, Daura, Katsina State, Nigeria

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