09032259201 - Beware of Calls from this Phone Number

A job seeker on Nairaland narrates her experience with a supposed employer on Whatsapp. Please read below:

Got this what's app message this morning. .. got a message from a company on the 31th of march, I dont know the name or address cause it wasn't attached to the text message this is the message 

"As follow up to our advert on marketing of our housing project, we will like to inform u that interview commences from 4th of April to 9th April 2016. Candidates are expected to come for d interview between 1pm to 4pm. Contact: Israeli B. Toritshe-Nunu; Tel: +234 9032259201/ +234 8185422201; Email: [email protected]"

 I showed my sister and friend the message, but they weren't in support because it looks fake according to them. No company address nor company's name they said I shouldn't go, been that I was desperate I have already decided to go deep down in me. 
On 2nd of April a number added me to a group chat on what's app it was the same number that sent the message for the interview that added me to the chat, was surprised but kept quiet. 

He then said anyone who is interested on the job should indicate, I indicated so he started a private chat with me. I then asked him for the company's name and address he refused and said he wld only give it to me if am 100% sure I would come I assured him that I would be there, he then text the address to me and told me when I get to so so gate I should wait there and call him to come pick me. 

At that point my eye clear Lol everything became suspicious. I told my mum about it and she said I shouldn't go.. this man kept on calling and calling me every minute, he called on monday and asked when I was coming I told him Tuesday, he called on tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday I didn't pick only for brother to send this message on what's app this morning to me, pls when did company start disturbing people to come for interview? Abi na force?

If this is true, then please answer calls from this number with caution.

Good luck guys.