Electronics Technician Interview Questions & Answers

Electronics Technicians design electronic components, repair, install, service, and update existing electronic systems. Electronics Technicians usually perform their duties in offices, factories, telecommunications industries, and various other settings where electronics are used.

Whether you're a job seeker preparing to be interviewed for the role of Electronics Technician or an employer preparing to interview candidates for Electronics Technician position, these Electronics Technician interview questions will help you prepare yourself for the job interview session.

Electronics Technician Interview Questions

Below are a list of some skill-based Electronics Technician interview questions.

  1. Describe a time when you successfully serviced, repaired, calibrated, or tested a device that operates mainly by electronic principles.
  2. What skills have you acquired so far as an electronics technician?
  3. What do you do if a coworker gets an electric shock?
  4. Describe methods you have found effective to inspect and test electrical systems and equipment to locate and diagnose malfunctions, using visual inspections, testing devices, and computer software.
  5. Describe a time you made a mistake on the job. What did you learn?
  6. Walk me through how you adjust, repair, or replace defective wiring and relays in ignition, lighting, air-conditioning, and safety control systems, using electrician's tools.
  7. How would you resolve a dispute with a coworker?
  8. Are you familiar with the proper procedures for handling and disposing of hazardous waste generated by electronics repair and installation?
  9. How do you stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field of electronics?
  10. Provide an example of a time when you identified and resolved a complex technical issue.
  11. What would you do if you were assigned to repair a piece of equipment you had no experience with?
  12. Tell me how you locate and remove or repair circuit defects such as blown fuses or malfunctioning transistors.
  13. When do you think it’s appropriate to seek outside help for a complex technical issue?
  14. Describe your process for troubleshooting a piece of electronic equipment that isn’t working properly.
  15. What do you think is the most important aspect of electronics repair and installation?
  16. How often do you think equipment should be inspected?
  17. There is a high volume of repairs to complete and a deadline to meet. How do you stay focused and complete all of your tasks?
  18. Show me how to measure the DC voltage of a GPS device?
  19. Share the process used to refer to schematics and manufacturers' specifications that show connections and provide instructions on how to locate problems.
  20. Are you willing to work overtime, night shifts, etc?
  21. What have you found to be the best way to confer with customers to determine the nature of malfunctions? Share an example.
  22. What would you consider an ideal voltage source?
  23. What would you consider an ideal current source?
  24. What makes a practical voltage source?
  25. How does a voltage source work?
  26. How would you apply Ohm's Law to calculating the current of an electrical device?
  27. Can you describe passive and active electrical components?
  28. How does a resistor work?
  29. How does a capacitor work?
  30. How does an inductor work?
  31. How would you apply the Norton theorem to linear circuitry?
  32. Can you describe the differences between a silicon diode and germanium diode? And why would a silicon diode be preferable to a germanium diode?
  33. What terminals make up a bipolar junction transistor?
  34. Walk me through how you measure, cut, and install frameworks and conduit to support and connect wiring, control panels, and junction boxes, using hand tools.

Electronics Technician Interview Questions and Answers

Every interview is different and the questions may vary. However, there are lots of general questions that get asked at every interview.

Below are some common questions you'd expect during Electronics Technician interviews. Click on each question to see how to answer them.

  1. Why Should We Hire You?
  2. What is Your Greatest Weakness?
  3. Why Do You Want This Job?
  4. Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?
  5. Tell Me About Yourself
  6. Are You a Leader or a Follower?
  7. What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?
  8. Do You Have Any Questions for Us?
  9. What is Your Greatest Strength?
  10. What is Your Salary Expectation?