Computer Science Teacher Interview Questions & Answers
Computer science teachers, also known as Computer Instructors, educate students on how computers work, from the basic science and mathematics behind their operation to the actual hardware and the software built on those foundations. Computer Instructors may work in primary or secondary schools.
Whether you're a job seeker preparing to be interviewed for the role of Computer Science Teacher or
an employer preparing to interview candidates for Computer Science Teacher position,
these Computer Science Teacher interview questions will help you prepare yourself for the job interview session.
Computer Science Teacher Interview Questions
Below are a list of some skill-based Computer Science Teacher interview questions.
- How would you support students who have never used a computer?
- What are the most effective ways to promote computer literacy?
- Which computer programming languages are you most familiar with?
- What is your approach to lesson planning?
- When teaching a lesson, do you prefer to work with a partner or alone?
- What kind of technology upgrades would you suggest, looking at our computer lab?
- What would you do if a student was being disruptive during your lesson?
- What's your best method for helping students develop confidence in their computer skills?
- Are you familiar with the computer science curriculum in Nigeria?
- If given the opportunity, what would you add to the national computer science curriculum?
- What are some of the most important skills that you teach your students in your computer science class?
- How do you help your students who are struggling with the material in your class?
- What is your teaching style when it comes to computer science?
- Provide an example of a time when you had to adapt your lesson plan due to a lack of understanding from your students.
- What do you think is the most important thing for students to learn about computers and technology?
- There is a new trend in the industry that you’re not familiar with. How would you research it and incorporate it into your lessons?
- Describe a time you were frustrated with Computer Science. How can you help students because of that experience?
- Why is coding important for students to learn?
- What have you learned from a student?
- Can you tell me about some websites you like to use when teaching?
- How do you ensure students stay safe while on the web in your classroom?
- How important would you say computer literacy is?
- Let's say you were trying to help other teachers learn more about technology and integrate it into their teaching styles. How would you do that?
- Let's say you're administering a computer-based test and there's a power outage. What do you do?
- What are your favorite learning management systems?
- What software programs are you proficient in?
- What are your methods for informing students about internet safety?
- How do you explain the difference between an interpreter and compiler?
- How have you handled a situation where a student used technology inappropriately?
- How do you keep student on-task in your Computer Science class?
- What do you enjoy most about Computer Science?
- What is the difference between C and C++?
- Explain what a microprocessor is.
- How would you go about explaining the difference between a for and while loop to a low ability year 9 group?
- What is the difference between a “nested if” and an “if…else if” statement?
- Describe a starter activity you can use to introduce the pupils to pseudocode.
- How would you explain what a ZIP file is?
- What is your favourite programming language? Explain why it is the best one for your students.
- How would you explain what the difference between ROM and RAM is?
- Identify a misconception about the internet pupils commonly have. How would you overcome this?
- Explain the difference between “lossy” and “lossless” image compression.
- Explain how to add two 4 bit binary numbers together. How would you get your pupils to check their answers are correct?
- Describe how you convert denary to hex.
- What is meant by the term “file”?
- How would you teach pupils about relational databases?
- Describe a suitable starter activity you can use to introduce the pupils to 2D arrays.
- How can you make the teaching of website development exciting? Give an example of one activity you would use.
- Outline a lesson that you could use for helping pupils understand and avoid extremism and radicalisation on social media.
- Describe 2 different homework tasks you have used in the past when teaching programming. How did these tasks benefit the pupils?
- How do you use technology to enrich your lessons?
- What Computer Science topic do you look forward to teaching?
- What strategies would you use to help students who say “I can’t program”?
- One student is excelling in your lesson and has completed the work. However, the rest of the class are struggling with the work and have not completed it. How would you support the student who is excelling to continue making progress?
- One of your pupils struggles with programming and constantly wants your help in solving their programming errors. How can you persuade them to have a go at solving the problem themselves?
- How would you keep the students off Facebook and games during class?
- A pupil keeps unplugging and plugging in keyboards and mice to move them around. How do you stop this?
- What are the particular health and safety implications of teaching in a computer lab?
- Another teacher uses your classroom and leaves it in a terrible state: headphones tangled into one huge knot, chairs all over the place, paper strewn all over the surfaces and floor. How would you deal with this?
- What is an array?
- Can you explain how CPUs function?
- What is a data structure?
- What is deep learning?
- What is machine learning?
- How would you define artificial intelligence?
- How would you define an algorithm?
- How do firewalls work?
- What are the most common encryption methods?
- What's the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
- What is a processor in computer systems, and why is it used?
- What are some of the most popular computer processors used in computer systems?
- Mention 3 operating systems you know.
- What are the most commonly used programming languages nowadays?
- What is object-oriented programming?
- What is HTML?
- What are Cascading Style Sheets?
Computer Science Teacher Interview Questions and Answers
Every interview is different and the questions may vary.
However, there are lots of general questions that get asked at every interview.
Below are some common questions you'd expect during Computer Science Teacher interviews. Click on each question to see how to answer them.
- Are You a Leader or a Follower?
- What is Your Greatest Weakness?
- What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?
- Why Do You Want This Job?
- What is Your Greatest Strength?
- Do You Have Any Questions for Us?
- Why Should We Hire You?
- What is Your Salary Expectation?
- Tell Me About Yourself
- Why Do You Want To Leave Your Current Job?