If you're interested in working at NLNG Ship Management Limited, below is a list of current job vacancies and career opportunities at NLNG Ship Management Limited. You can browse and apply through this portal.
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML) was incorporated as a private limited liability company on October 9, 2008, and it commenced full operations initially as a manning outfit on August 2010 under t...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML) was incorporated as a private limited liability company on 9th October 2008 as a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited. The company provides a wide range of shipping...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML) was incorporated as a private limited liability company on 9th October 2008 as a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited. The company provides a wide range of shipping...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML) was incorporated as a private limited liability company on 9th October 2008 as a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited. The company provides a wide range of shipping...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML) was incorporated as a private limited liability company on 9th October 2008 as a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited. The company provides a wide rang...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML), a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited, seeks to engage personnel for immediate employment in the capacity below: Job Title:...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML), a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited, seeks to engage personnel for immediate employment in the capacity below: Job Title: S...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML), a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited, seeks to engage personnel for immediate employment in the capacity below: Job Title: ...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML), a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited, seeks to engage personnel for immediate employment in the capacity below: Job Title: ...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML), a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited, seeks to engage personnel for immediate employment in the capacity below: Job Title: ...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML) a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited seeks to engage personnel for immediate employment in the capacities below: Job Title: F...
WTS Energy - The client is a subsidiary of a Liquefied Natural Gas Company, which is solely responsible for the fleet management and crewing of the LNG ships and vessels, training of the company’s...
NLNG Ship Management Limited (NSML) a subsidiary of Nigeria LNG Limited seeks to engage personnel for immediate employment in the following positions: ...
NSML was incorporated as a private limited liability company on October 9, 2008, and it commenced full operations initially as a manning outfit on August 2010 under the name “NLNG Ship Manning Limited”.
NSML has evolved from a purely manning company into an international mar...read more