Christian Religious Knowledge questions and answers

Christian Religious Knowledge Questions and Answers

Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) past questions and answers to prepare you for JAMB, WAEC, NECO and Post UTME examinations.

This aptitude test assesses your understanding of the Bible.


"...My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robber."

Just before making this statement Jesus


Locked up the Temple


Drove out those who sold in the Temple


Taught those who had gathered in the Temple


Went out of the Temple

Correct answer is B

Matthew 21:12-14

verse 12: Then Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves.


Who are referred to as the salt of the earth by Jesus in His teaching on the Mount?


His disciples


Those who are meek


The Scribes


Those who are condemned for his sake

Correct answer is A

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. –Matthew 5:13-14

From the above bible passage, Jesus was referring to his disciples


The parable which teaches the need for love for one's neighbor is that of the


Wheat and tares


Mustard seed


Good Samaritan



Correct answer is C

The parable of the Good Samaritan is a parable told by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. It is about a traveler who is stripped of clothing, beaten, and left half dead alongside the road. Finally, a Samaritan happens to come upon the traveler. Samaritans and Jews despised each other, but the Samaritan helps the injured man. This depispicts love shown to one another


One important fact that Mary brought out in Jesus miracle of changing water to wine is that she


Had a deep insight of her son and his abilities


Was a sister of the bridegroom


Attended marriage feasts regularly


Must intercede for a miracle to occur

Correct answer is A

The transformation of water into wine at the Marriage at Cana or Wedding at Cana is the first miracle attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John. In the Gospel account, Jesus, his mother and his disciples are invited to a wedding, and when the wine runs out, Jesus delivers a sign of his glory by turning water into wine. Mary recognized the abilities of Jesus doing the impossible, that was why she took the case to him and told everyone to obey and do as he instructs them.

Bible ref: John 2:1-11


A good example of nature miracles performed by Jesus was that of


Healing the leper


Casting out demons


Raising the dead


Calming the storm

Correct answer is D

The following are example of nature miracles as recorded in the bible

Walking on water – Jesus gets out of a boat and walks on water.

Calming the storm – during a storm, the disciples woke Jesus, and he rebuked the storm causing it to become calm. Jesus then rebukes the disciples for lack of faith.

Finding a coin in the fish's mouth is reported in Matthew 17:24-27.