Biology questions and answers

Biology Questions and Answers

How well do you understand living things and their vital processes? Whether you are preparing for JAMB, WAEC, NECO and Post-UTME, these Biology past questions and answers cover such subjects as the chemistry of life, botany, evolution, genetics, ecology etc to help you know what to expect, improve your speed and confidence and be really prepared for the actual aptitude test.


Which of the following statements about viruses is true?


Viruses can reproduce outside of a host cell


Viruses require a host cell to replicate


Viruses possess a cellular structure


Viruses are living organisms

Correct answer is B

Viruses are considered parasitic because they require a host cell to replicate. They do this by injecting their genetic material into the host cell and using the cell's machinery to replicate.


Which of the following best describes a natural habitat in ecology?


An area where organisms naturally live and interact with their surroundings


A human-created environment for wildlife conservation


A controlled laboratory setting for ecological experiments


A protected area for endangered species

Correct answer is A

A natural habitat in ecology refers to an area where organisms naturally live and interact with their surroundings. A natural habitat encompasses the ecological conditions, physical features, and resources that support the survival and interactions of organisms within their natural environment. It includes factors such as climate, vegetation, soil composition, and other biotic and abiotic components.


Which of the following statements best describes pollination in plants?


Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from the stigma to the anther of a flower


Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower


Pollination is the process of releasing pollen into the air for dispersal


Pollination is the process of seed formation within a flower

Correct answer is B

Pollination in plants refers to the transfer of pollen from the anther (male reproductive organ) to the stigma (female reproductive organ) of a flower.


Which of the following best describes the concept of trophic levels in a functioning ecosystem?


The levels of ecological interactions within an ecosystem


The levels of energy flow within an ecosystem


The levels of nutrient cycling within an ecosystem


The levels of biological diversity within an ecosystem

Correct answer is B

The concept of trophic levels in a functioning ecosystem refers to the levels of energy flow within the ecosystem. Trophic levels represent the hierarchical structure of feeding relationships within an ecosystem, with each level representing a different position in the food chain.


Which of the following options correctly identifies excretory organs in animals?


Stomach, intestines, and bladder


Lungs, kidneys, and skin


Brain, spinal cord, and nerves


Heart, liver, and spleen

Correct answer is B

The correct identification of excretory organs in animals is lungs, kidneys, and skin.
Lungs play a vital role in excretion by eliminating carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, through exhalation.
Kidneys are major excretory organs responsible for filtering blood and removing metabolic wastes, excess water, and dissolved solutes in the form of urine.
Skin, although primarily a protective organ, also participates in excretion. Sweating, through sweat glands in the skin, helps regulate body temperature and eliminates small amounts of metabolic waste such as urea and salts.