Case Worker Job Vacancies in Nigeria 2025

Looking for Case Worker jobs in Nigeria? Jobzilla Nigeria publishes current Case Worker vacancies in Nigeria. Browse through our website to see and apply for the latest Case Worker job vacancies in Nigeria today.

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Livelihood Case Worker at the Zireenza Support Foundation

The Zireenza Support Foundation – (ZSF) is a National Non-Governmental Organization (Not for profit and non-socio-political organization). It has been established on 08thAugust, 2017 by the G...

Case Worker at INTERSOS Nigeria

INTERSOS is an independent humanitarian organization that assists the victims of natural disasters, armed conflicts and exclusion. Its activities are based on the principles of solidarity, justice,...

Case Worker at COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale

Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) is an Italian humanitarian non-governmental organization founded in Milan in 1965. COOPI aims to help the world’s poorest to improve their access to health...

Case Workers at Restoration of Hope Initiative (ROHI)

Restoration of Hope Initiative (ROHI) - Since the insurgency began in 2009, many lives were lost and properties worth billions of Naira destroyed. There has been a lot of migration of people from o...

Vacancies at Rehabilitation Empowerment and Better Health Initiative (REBHI)

Rehabilitation Empowerment and Better Health Initiative (REBHI) is a National Non-governmental organization that aims to respond to the need of vulnerable communities through supporting self-relian...

Case Worker at Explore Humanitarian Aid Initiative

Explore Humanitarian Aid Initiative is non-profit non-Governmental organization established following the humanitarian crisis in Northeastern Nigeria. Our organizations head office is based in Born...

Case Worker at Rehabilitation Empowerment and Better Health Initiative (REBHI)

Rehabilitation Empowerment and Better Health Initiative (REBHI) is a National Non-governmental organization that aims to respond to the need of vulnerable communities through supporting self-relian...

Current Vacancies at Cooperazione Internazionale

COOPI- Cooperazione Internazionale is an Italian humanitarian non-governmental organization founded in Milan in 1965. COOPI aims to help the world’s poorest to improve their access to healthc...

Case Worker at Rehabilitation Empowerment and Better Health Initiative (REBHI)

Rehabilitation Empowerment and Better Health Initiative (REBHI) is a National Non-governmental organization that aims to respond to the need of vulnerable communities through supporting self-relian...

Case Worker - Gender-Based Violence at Malteser International

Malteser International has been working in Nigeria since 2017. In Northeast Nigeria and more specifically in Borno State, MI is currently active in the WASH sector for improving the lives of both t...

Child Protection Case Worker at The International Rescue Committee (IRC)

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Eins...

Employment Opportunities at Norwegian Church Aid ('NCA'), 10th December, 2019

Norwegian Church Aid ('NCA') is a member of the ACT Alliance and works with people and local actors, especially Faith-based actors in many countries where it works in their struggle to eradic...

Latest Recruitment at Terre des hommes (Tdh), 2nd December, 2019

Terre des hommes (Tdh) is a leading Swiss organisation for children’s aid. Since 1960, Tdh has helped build a better future for deprived children and their communities, making an impact with innovat...

Inter-community Development Social Organization (IDS) recruitment for Case Workers

Inter-community Development Social Organization (IDS), is a national, not-for-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 2004 by Peace loving and law-abiding women and youth and incorpo...

Current Job Opportunities at INTERSOS Nigeria, 1st June 2019

INTERSOS is an independent, no-profit organization which, through its own humanitarian operators, intervenes to effectively answer the needs of people in serious crises situations, mainly in the world...