Ongoing Recruitment at MVE - Port Harcourt (6 Positions)

MEGA Value Enterprise; A health maintenance and sustenance organization, we do not work alone. We are in partnership with international and national bodies. International we partner with (W.H.O) World Health Organization, (ACDC) which is America Center For Disease Control and (SAB) scientific Adversary Board. Nationally we partner with (NMA) Nigeria Medical Association. Job Title: - Health Partner - Health and safety adviser - Health and Safety Officer - Health physicist - Health promotion specialist - Health visitor Location: - Port Harcourt Requirements:

  • - Candidate must reside in Port Harcourt
  • - Candidate must have the mindset of changing lives.
  • - Candidate must be an agent of change.
  • - Candidate must have either SSCE/BSc or Higher certificates.
  • - Candidate must be ready to learn and succeed.
NOTE; ADD THE APPLIED POSITION [JOB TITLE] HOW TO APPLY: - Interested and qualified candidates should send the CV's to: Application Deadline: April 31st, 2017.