Current Recruitment at Christo Houston Energy, Port Harcourt

Christo Houston Energy (C-Houston Energy) Incorporated is an oil and gas servicing company based in the United States of America. The company in line with the policies of her foreign affiliate is registered for service provision in the Oil and Gas industry. The company core areas of operations are Oil field services oil and gas equipment supplies, Engineering Design, Safety and Environmental Management, and Inspection Services.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:



Job Title: Business Development Officer

Location: Port Harcourt, Rivers


  • Interested candidates should possess a First Degree in Engineering, Sciences and Social Sciences
  • A minimum of 10 years of work experience in Oil and Gas field services.



Job Title: Field Operations Manager

Location: Port Harcourt, Rivers


  • Interested candidates should possess a First Degree in Engineering, Sciences and Social Sciences
  • A minimum of 10 years of work experience in Oil and Gas field services.



Job Title: Soil and Ground Water Remediation Officer

Location: Port Harcourt, Rivers


  • Interested candidates should possess a First Degree in Engineering, Sciences and Social Sciences
  • A minimum of 10 years of work experience in Oil and Gas field services.



Job Title: Soil and Ground Water Remediation Specialist

Location: Port Harcourt, Rivers

Roles and ResponsIbIlitIes

  • Carrying out Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) which may include Phase I ESA ( non-intrusive) and Phase II ESA Investigations (intrusive investigation of vapour, soil and groundwater);
  • Developing and implementing technical soil arid groundwater sampling plans for physical, chemical and biological parameters, for regulatory compliance to regulatory site closure’
  • Overseeing in-situ and ex-situ soil and groundwater remediation projects from bench-scale or Pilot-scale evaluations to implementation scope of work, through to completion;
  • Managing, developing and preparing for, and planning complex remediation projects.
  • Managing change orders with clients, for out-of-scope project undertakings;
  • Managing regulatory compliance and regulatory communications;
  • Managing human resource allocations to projects, and employee reviews;
  • Conducting soil and groundwater remedial alternatives analysis;
  • Managing the project budget and schedule to stay within protect expectations;
  • Implementing remediation proposals and managing all day to day technical aspects from planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and regulatory closure;
  • Conducting or supervise bench-scale and Pilot-scale soil and groundwater treatable studies relating to physical, biological antler chemical methods;
  • Performing generic semi-quantitative to fully quantitative risk assessment
  • Develop and implement health and safety (H&S) plans
  • Identification and management of hazardous materials In accordance with applicable regulatory storage, transportation and disposal standards;
  • Obtain necessary regulatory and work permits for the site, and ongoing compliance
  • Train staff on operational procedures relating to: phase land II ESA, compliance sampling, in-situ and ex-situ remediation, risk assessments, and reporting;
  • Manage project inventory control Including consumables, fixed assets and contracted supplies, to minimize project Interruptions; and Conduct health and safety (H&S) briefings
  • Preparing detailed project reports, which may include: daily logs, general email and letter communications, verbal reporting to stakeholders, preparation of preliminary and/or formal progress reports to regulatory closure applications.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in a related subject is desirable including Environmental Science (i.e Chemistry, Biology, or Geology) or Environmental Engineering (Chemical, Biological or Geological).
  • A graduate certification or degree studies is preferable;
  • Proven supervisory level fieldwork experiences, and training, is desirable;
  • National level environmental certifications, and training, is desirable; Health and Safety Training and Certifications;
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.



How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to: using the Job Title as the subject of the mail