20 Motivational Quotes I thought you might like

Hey peeps, yesterday night i read a lot of inspiring and motivational memos and articles and I thought it would be great to share some of them with you to keep you going in your career path and in life generally. I compiled a list of 20 motivational quotes i thought you might like.
So enjoy them! Possibly share with your friends.

  1. ‘The greatest decision you can ever make is to make a decision.’
  2. ‘The best way to rid yourself of a bad habit is by replacing it with a good habit.’
  3. ‘Make it your practice to be a giver!’
  4. ‘If you want to be a leader, then be a daily reader.’
  5. ‘The great tools to capture an idea: a pencil and a pad.’
  6. ‘Discipline is about keeping promises that you’ve made to yourself.’
  7. ‘Brighten someone else’s day and you’ll soon discover that you’ve brightened your own.’
  8. ‘Happiness comes as soon as you decide to be happy.’
  9. ‘It’s not what you do in life that counts; it’s how you do it.’
  10. Do to others, as you would have them do to you.’
  11. If you don’t intend to act, then keep quiet.’
  12. ‘The more you give, the more you’ll get.’
  13. ‘With your strength clearly identified, your success will then come through concentrated effort.’
  14. ‘Talk is cheap. Actions are what really count.’
  15. ‘If you don’t like what you’re doing, either change your attitude or change what you’re doing. Maybe you need to change both.’
  16. ‘True freedom lies between your ears, so think good thoughts!’
  17. ‘Lost your focus? Take time out and return to your original dream.’
  18. ‘Learn from the past, concentrate on today and tomorrow will take care of itself.’
  19. ‘If I’m going to achieve anything in life, I’m going to have to get passionate about something.’
  20. ‘Always praise someone in public. But if you have to correct, then do it in private.’ 
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