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SPIE Oil and Gas Services Salary Scale

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How much does SPIE Oil and Gas Services pay in Nigeria?

Want to know what employees earn at SPIE Oil and Gas Services? Take a look at SPIE Oil and Gas Services salary structure in Nigeria below to help you increase your bargaining power during the interview.

SPIE Oil and Gas Services Salaries submitted by People like you
Samuel Stella Nwanyijioji

Nov 23, 2023, 2:09 PM

Personal assistant, tea girl - 1yr
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If you have worked or have an insider at SPIE Oil and Gas Services, please help others make informed decisions by sharing job designations and their respective salaries at SPIE Oil and Gas Services.

SPIE Oil & Gas Services (part of the SPIE Group) provides a complete range of services to some of the world’s largest oil and gas companies through its network of offices in 25 countries across Africa, the Middle-East and Asia-Pacific.

Our turnover has more than doubled in the...read more