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Malteser International

Address: Maiduguri, Pulka and Yola

About Malteser International

Malteser International is an international non-governmental aid agency for humanitarian aid of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Developed in 2005 from the foreign aid service of Malteser Germany (founded 1953), and having the status of an independent eingetragener Verein since 2013, the agency has more than 50 years of experience in humanitarian relief.

It currently implements around 100 projects in some 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East and the Americas. The organization's General Secretariat is located in Cologne, Germany with regional headquarters for Europe and the Americas located in Cologne and New York City respectively.

The membership of Malteser International consists of 27 national associations and priories of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, who are responsible for supporting the organization within their jurisdictions.

Malteser International has been working in Nigeria since 2017. In Northeast Nigeria and more specifically in Borno State, MI is currently active in the WASH sector for improving the lives of both the IDP population as well as the host communities. The WASH activities focus on improved access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene. They include NFI distribution, solarization of boreholes, rehabilitation of hand pumps, construction of latrines and hygiene promotion. Malteser International thereby applies a participatory, gender sensitive and inclusive approach.

Contact Malteser International

Address :
Maiduguri, Pulka and Yola
Phone :
Not available