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Addosser Microfinance Bank Limited

Address: 79, Lewis Street, (Anchoria House), Lagos Island

About Addosser Microfinance Bank Limited

Founded in 2008, Addosser Microfinance Bank Limited is one of the leading Microfinance banks in Nigeria. Through our team of more than 200 employees, Addosser offers a broad range of products and services, to serve it’s over 80,000 customers through our business group: Retail and Microenterprise Banking, SME Banking and Specialized products & investment.

Because we are committed to generating value and building relationships with our customers, we stay closely connected to the communities in which we operate and offer tailored support for MSMEs every day; connecting customers to opportunities, enabling businesses to thrive and ultimately, improving the living conditions of everyday people.

Our aim is to be acknowledged as a one stop shop for financial services pushing boundaries to increasing access to finance for MSMEs through our diverse business mix comprising of Core banking, Fintech, E-commerce and Insurance.

Contact Addosser Microfinance Bank Limited

Address :
79, Lewis Street, (Anchoria House), Lagos Island
Phone :
Email :