Find out how much an Acupuncturist earns across various companies in Nigeria.
An acupuncturist is a complementary health practitioner who takes a holistic approach to the maintenance of health and the management of disease, with a focus on improving overall well-being. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese holistic therapy based on the theory that the body depends on life energy, known as qi, being in balance.
Acupuncturists correct imbalances in the body by inserting fine needles into acupuncture points, thus maintaining or restoring good health and well-being. The correct manipulation of qi can treat a range of emotional and physical conditions, such as: respiratory and circulatory disorders; gynaecological disorders; the relief of pain and allergies, gastrointestinal disorders; neurological and stress-related disorders; musculo-skeletal disorders;
Acupuncturist salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, professional experience and even the hiring company. Jobzilla Nigeria analyzes the market remunerations and helps you negotiate your pay with confidence.
We're compiling Acupuncturist salaries in Nigeria, please check back shortly.