As a Senior Social Media Strategist for a top Nigerian Bank, you will serve as an integral member of the senior management team of the Bank’s communication department. You will be responsible for the development, integration, and implementation of a broad range of communication and brand enhancement strategies relative to the strategic direction and positioning of the organization, especially via digital channels. Job Title: Senior Social Media Strategist In this position you will be responsible for directly managing communications activities that promote, enhance, and protect the organization's brand and reputation online. You will lead the functions that takes primary responsibility for the communications elements of the bank's brand and how it perceived online. You will be required to employ a mix of proactive and reactive reputation and risk management strategies to sustain a positive outlook of the Bank’s online image. You will also act as an adviser to Senior Executives on how the Bank should go about building a holistic approach to engaging all stakeholders by leveraging on social media to pursue productive interactions. Primary Responsibilities and Duties
Storekeeper at Dorman Long Engineering Limited (DLE)
Chief Security Officer at Bons Industries Limited
Finance Manager in a Ceramics Manufacturing Company
Project Manager at VMZ Engineering
Branch Coordinator at KEDI Healthcare Industries Nigeria Limited
Civil Engineer (Construction) at VMZ Engineering
Business Development Manager at Asphalt Unity Construction Limited
Office Assistant at Rolan Foundation