Current Jobs Vacancies at African Development Bank Group

African Development Bank Group (AfDB) - Established in 1964, the African Development Bank is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 80 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
We are recruiting to fill the positions below:   Job Title: Principal Water Resources Economist, ECNR Reference: ADB/19/035/2 Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire Grade: PL4 Position N°: 50001269
The Complex
  • The ECVP will inspire, generate and provide direct support to the President and Senior Management of the Bank on a broad range of technical and management issues within the broad remit of economic, finance, public financial governance, management and social economics.
  • The Chief Economist and Vice-President for Economic Governance and Knowledge Management (ECVP) is the Bank’s spokesperson on economic matters and the VP for the ‘Economics Governance and Knowledge Management Complex’.
  • The ECVP is responsible for (i) providing leadership and visibility for the Bank on economic, finance, financial governance and socio economic development issues; and coordinate the generation of analytical works to inform operational policy; (ii) systematically emphasize the critical role of knowledge, experience, lessons learnt and their tangible impact on sustainable, inclusive transformation of African economies.
The Hiring Department / Division
  • The external role of the African Natural Resources Center (ANRC) is to support Regional Member Countries (RMCs) improve development outcomes through effective management of natural resources wealth by delivering practical solutions on policy, legislative and investment decisions in the sector. Internally, it brings cohesion to the Bank’s strategies in natural resources sectors by providing a single lens through which the institution tackles natural resources governance.
The Position Water resources cut across four main sectors normally represented as a nexus, namely water/energy/food/environment security - water for human consumption, hydropower, agriculture and environment. These are interdependent and closely linked, as used by one sector will impact available resources for other sectors at any given time. The “water nexus” functions as a tool to assist decision-makers to best balance water use at any given time. The objective is to maximize sustainable benefits of available water resources in the wider socio-economic context necessary for sustainable development. The objective of the post, therefore, is to:
  • Act as the Center’s focal point in managing strategic relationships and partnerships with other development partners, regional governments, private and civil society organizations.
  • Oversee advocacy initiatives on water resources planning, investments and governance.
  • Provide strategic advice to the Director, technical leadership and support to water experts and consultants responsible for producing research papers, policy briefs and country sector studies and other knowledge products to help inform water resources planning, investments and governance in Regional Member Countries of the African Development Bank.
Duties and Responsibilities Under the supervision of the Manager and working in collaboration with other colleagues, the Principal Water Resources Economist provides support to AfDB’s water resources governance initiatives. In particular:
  • Undertake and supervise economic, thematic, and sector work (ESW) in emerging water resource management challenges and identify investment opportunities to promote integrated water resources management and regional cooperation in the water sector.
  • Undertake water resources modelling on the basis of the “water nexus approach’ to help inform Regional Member Countries’ decision making in the water sector – allocation, efficiency, equity, use, access and sustainability of water resources and ecosystems.
  • Develop water resources policies, strategies and plans for member countries through the preparation and administration of advisory TA projects.
  • Identify major opportunities for strategic collaboration with multilateral and bilateral donors to improve the governance of water resources in Africa; by engaging with them on policy advice.
  • Contribute technical inputs to the preparation of country strategy papers and portfolio reviews, with particular reference to the governance of water resources.
  • Provide technical guidance and mentoring to other natural resource management experts in the ANRC, the Economic Governance and Knowledge Management Complex, other relevant departments and the Bank’s Regional and Country offices.
  • Support the Bank and RMCs in identification, preparation and appraisal of water resources management and development projects.
  • Evaluate water resources policies and projects; intra-regional and regional cooperation activities in the water sector; and on the role of water in developing rural economies and poverty reduction.
  • Lead and participate in the production of key policy briefs, position papers and guidelines on water resources; by liaising with government, academia/research institutions, private agencies and NGOs on water use issues, and help the Center develop appropriate responses. This will include responding to enquiries from the media and public.
  • Organize, originate and/or participate in the production of knowledge management and dissemination of information related to water resources management, including the drafting of Terms of Reference (ToR), the selection of consultants and the supervision of the technical aspects of their work.
  • Collaborate with Country departments to elaborate Bank’s water resources management and development related policy and programs, and when necessary participate in related policy dialogue with RMC’s governments; including the promotion of sustainable water resources management and development.
Selection Criteria
  • Innovation & Creativity.
  • Communication.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Client orientation.
  • Team work and relations.
  • Ability to communicate effectively (written and oral) in English or French, preferably with a working knowledge of the other.
  • Knowledge and hands-on experience of sector policy/regulatory environment, regional initiatives in the sector, regional development programs and relevant protocols.
  • Knowledge management and oversight of advocacy programs.
  • Designing and implementing programs of advice and capacity building.
  • Knowledge of the region and water sector environment.
  • Knowledge of principles of good governance as pertaining to natural resources policy,
  • Project Management skills.
  • Private sector experience is an added advantage.
  • Competence in the use of standard Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint).
  • Experience in the use of SAP is advantageous.
  • Hold at least a Master's degree or its equivalent in Water Resources Economics; Integrated Water Resources Management, Natural Resources Policy, or closely related natural resources management fields of study.
  • Have a minimum of (6) six years work experience in the sector, international organizations, regulatory environment or a think-tank with a focus in water resource economics, integrated water resource management and the relevant sector and/or function.
  • A change agent with track record in project design, execution and publishing for internal and external audiences.
  Application Deadline 15th January, 2020.      
Job Title: Principal Energy Efficiency Specialist & Investment Officer, PERN2 Reference: ADB/19/248 Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire [or potentially regional hub] Grade: PL4 Position N°: 50093764
The Complex
  • The Vice Presidency for ‘Power, Energy, Climate and Green Growth’ is a Sector Complex focusing on the Bank’s Ten Years Strategy, High 5s priority of “Light up and Power Africa”.
  • The Complex’s objectives are:
    • To develop policy and strategy;
    • To provide deep sector technical expertise;
    • To develop new financing instruments;
    • To act as spokesperson to represent the Bank with external stakeholders on all aspects of “Light Up and Power Africa”. The Complex will focus on the areas of power systems, renewable energy, energy efficiency, policy and regulation; and, Climate and Green Growth.
  • The PEVP Complex oversees strategy and policy development in the energy systems space; builds alignment across stakeholders and represents the Bank with external stakeholders; originates projects, develops new, innovative financing instruments; and ensures delivery of the “Light Up and Power Africa” agenda. The Complex originates and executes both public and private sector transactions in partnership with our regional offices and other Departments of the Complex.
The Department / Division
  • The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department has the broad objective of promoting the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency along with clean cooking
  • The Department is comprised of three divisions, including the Energy Efficiency and Clean Cooking Division.
The Position
  • The job holder - in coordination with the Bank’s country offices and other departments - will focus on the preparation and implementation of viable energy efficiency projects across public and private sector clients.
  • The Principal Energy Efficiency Specialist & Investment Officer will contribute towards ensuring the technical strength of the Bank’s energy efficiency activities to place the Bank in a leading role in Africa with respect to the development, financing and deployment of energy efficiency projects
Duties and Responsibilities Under the overall supervision and guidance of the Division Manager – Energy Efficiency and Clean Cooking, the Energy Efficiency Specialist and Investment Officer will perform the following:
  • Assist the Bank’s clients in structuring and obtaining funding for energy efficiency projects from internal and external climate finance sources or other facilities;
  • Review and contribute to the quality assurance of project preparation and project appraisal documents;
  • Provide deep expertise for quality assurance of studies related to the development of energy efficiency: preparation of terms of reference, review and validation of feasibility studies and sector analyses;
  • Contribute to the preparation of knowledge and analytical work to inform strategic work as well as new energy efficiency operations;
  • Undertake any other task that the Division Managers or Director may assign.
  • Engage with relevant stakeholders in the Bank’s regional member countries to set up conducive enabling policy and regulatory environment for the development of energy efficiency;
  • Mobilize technical assistance resources from internal and external sources for improving the enabling environment for energy efficiency;
  • Support the Bank’s regional member countries to ensure the effective implementation of energy efficiency components of their nationally determined contributions;
  • Identification and preparation of energy efficiency related operations (policy, advisory, investment) whilst ensuring country ownership;
Selection Criteria
  • Proven ability to lead energy efficiency project development and financing, ideally with experience in the region;
  • Proven ability to provide energy efficiency related technical advice to public and private sector stakeholders;
  • Client orientation;
  • Innovative thinking;
  • Ability to listen and communicate effectively with counterparts;
  • Interpersonal skills;
  • Hold at least a Master's Degree or its equivalent in Energy, Sustainable Energy, Engineering, Business Administration or related subjects;
  • Have a minimum of six (6) years relevant professional experience related to energy efficiency with experience in project design and implementation;
  • Proven experience in conceptualizing, appraising and supervising energy efficiency projects supported by Multilateral Development Banks or Development Finance Institutions is a plus;
  • Ability to communicate orally and in writing effectively in French or English, with a good working knowledge of the other language;
  • Competence in the use of standard Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint).
Application Deadline: 17th January, 2020.      
Job Title: Fragility and Resilience Officer, RDTS Reference: ADB/19/185/2 Location: Niamey, Niger Position N°: 50079242 Grade: LP5
The Complex
  • Within the Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery Complex (RDVP), the Bank has five (5) Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery (RDIBD) Directorates, one in each region of Africa: North, South, East, West, and Central. Each Regional Directorate is headed by a Director General (DG) and is staffed with the relevant sectoral functions and administrative capabilities for rapid delivery of services to client countries.
  • The Regional Directorates provide overall strategic direction to country offices within the regions and are responsible for the Bank’s operations, business development, project management and overall effective delivery of the Bank’s High 5s of ‘Light up and Power Africa,’ ‘Feed Africa,’ ‘Industrialize Africa,’ ‘Integrate Africa,’ ‘Improve the Quality of Life for the People of Africa.
The Hiring Department
  • The Transition States Coordination Office (RDTS) is responsible for leading and implementing African Development Bank Group (the Bank) Strategy for Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience in its Regional Member Countries. It coordinates the Bank’s work on addressing fragility and building resilience, including activities of all fragility and resilience professionals stationed in the various Regional Hubs or Country Offices. Over the past decade, Africa has seen enormous growth and transformation that has expanded opportunities and improved living conditions for millions of people. More than two-thirds of African countries have strengthened their quality of governance, improved basic services, and expanded economic opportunities. Yet, there are significant risks that this momentum could be undermined by important pressures—continuing patterns of exclusion and poverty, unemployment, high migration, rapid urbanization, climate change and poor management of natural resources—that threaten to overwhelm existing institutional capacities for managing political, economic, social and environmental challenges. These pressures are making every single African country more vulnerable. RDTS aims to place the Bank at the center of Africa’s efforts to address fragility and pave the way for a more resilient and inclusive development trajectory. A major part of RDTS’ activities involves the identification of the main drivers of fragility, including economic, social, political and environmental dimensions, and how the Bank’s programs and projects can contribute to equity and inclusive development. Central to RDTS engagement is the systematic application of a fragility lens to identify, respond to and prevent fragility and to build resilience and focus the Bank’s engagement in the areas where it can have the biggest impact.
The Position
  • Under the supervision of Lead Coordinator/Fragility Expert, the Fragility and Resilience Officer facilitates the work of RDTS Experts in drafting policy documents as well as designing the interventions to enhance client countries resilience and capacity.
  • This includes assisting with origination, appraisal and approval of projects.
  • It also includes promoting and showcasing the Bank’s development impact achievements in transition countries in Africa, and projecting the Bank’s image as a leader in transition countries, through representation in various fora, publications, and networking with key stakeholders.
  • The Fragility and Resilience Officer assists RDTS background research and data gathering as inputs into drafting Economic and Sector Works and the development of sustainable project interventions in Transition Countries.
Under the supervision of the Lead Coordinator/Fragility Expert, the Fragility and Resilience Officer is expected to perform the following duties:
  • Conduct/participate in the advisory work carried out by the Transition States Coordination Office;
  • Contribute to the development and constant improvement of the Bank’s tools and methodologies for economic growth diagnostic and forecast (trend analysis) using the fragility perspective;
  • Conduct economic growth diagnostic and trend analysis in countries of assignment applying the fragility lens;
  • Contribute to the department’s work in arrears clearance, revenues’ management and public goods and services delivery from the fragility perspective;
  • Build partnerships in countries of assignment, with a view to implement the Bank’s Strategy for Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience;
  • Attend/represent the Bank in external events (conferences, seminars, workshops) related to fragility;
  • Attend and contribute to the activities of the Public Finance Working Groups (group of donors providing direct budget support) in countries of assignment;
  • Perform any other assignments and tasks as requested by the Lead Coordinator/Fragility Expert and/or the Director of RDTS.
  • Contribute to the analyses and support the work of the department in addressing the spillover effect of the fragility in the region;
  • Actively support the dissemination and implementation of the Bank’s strategy for engagement in fragile situations, including the Transition Support Facility in countries/regions of assignment;
  • Provide quality enhancement services (as commentator or peer reviewer) to analytical work of the department as well as provide comments and inputs to relevant reports and publications initiated by other units of the Bank;
  • Carry out regular and periodic analytical and research work on drivers of fragility and resilience in and on countries and regions of assignment for internal decision making and programming (e.g. situation briefs, country overviews and fragility assessments) and/or for publication/dissemination within or outside the Bank; Clients/Stakeholders Support the experts in discussions and negotiations with potential partners in order to foster business relationships with the Bank;
  • Conduct/contribute to fragility assessment of the bank’s projects, programs, policies and strategic documents (e.g. Country Strategy Papers) in countries of assignment or at the request of the Lead Coordinator/Fragility Expert;
  • Carry out economic policy and strategic analysis work in and on countries of assignment using the fragility lens;
  • Contribute to the department’s research work related to fragility and dissemination of knowledge products such as discussion/research papers and publications;
Selection Criteria
  • Sound understanding of public finance issues in developing countries is a plus;
  • Ability to apply innovative approaches, work independently and apply new methods to solve problems, while remaining efficient in a fast-paced, changing and challenging institutional environment;
  • Ability to communicate and write effectively in English, with a good working knowledge of French;
  • Competence in the use of Microsoft standard software (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, MS Projects); knowledge of SAP desirable.
  • A minimum of a Master's Degree (or its university equivalent) in Development Economics, Macroeconomics, Public Finance, Public Sector Accounting or Auditing;
  • Minimum of five (5) years of experience in public policy, economic policy, or government financial management, as well as experience in development policy and operations as well as project management, preferably in a bilateral or multilateral development finance institution, at least three (3) years of which should be focused on developing countries;
  • Experience in conducting of economic and policy analysis;
  • Ability to carry out independent research and to manage outsourced research activities;
  Application Deadline: 22nd January, 2020.      
Job Title: Principal Capacity Development Officer, ECAD0 Reference: ADB/19/229/2 Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire Grade: PL4 Position N°: 50093673
The Complex
  • The Complex is responsible for (i) providing leadership and visibility for the Bank on economic, finance, financial governance and socio economic development issues; and coordinate the generation of analytical works to inform operational policy; (ii) systematically emphasizing the critical role of knowledge, experience, lessons learnt and their tangible impact on sustainable, inclusive transformation of African economies.
  • The Chief Economist/Vice-President for Economic Governance and Knowledge Management (ECVP) is the Bank’s spokesperson on economic matters and the VP for the ‘Economics Governance and Knowledge Management Complex’.
The Hiring Department
  • The African Development Institute coordinates and oversees Capacity Development mainstreaming in Bank operations for enhanced development effectiveness in the regional member countries, through: (i) providing advisory services including guidance tools to support effective design and delivery of Capacity Development goals in Bank operations; (ii) identifying and designing tailored Capacity Development programmes and carrying out related activities to sustain development results in the regional members countries; (iii) leveraging partnerships and coordinating knowledge dissemination and outreach, conversion and transfer, with the view to contribute to improved policy-making and economic governance for sustainable development in the regional members countries.
The Position
  • Support the capacity development of the Banks RMCs to effectively design and implement their own macroeconomic tools to improve policy-making processes and outcomes.
  • Provide Management and by extension, the ECVP complex and other Bank departments with expert technical advice on addressing RMCs’ capacity building issues and improve dialogue with development partners.
  • Contribute to resource mobilization efforts and implementation of Trust Funds to address emerging capacity development needs in the RMCs.
  • Support the ECAD Senior Director in providing quality assurance and coordination of work program deliverables of the Institute.
  • The Principal Capacity Development Officer ECAD0, will play an active role in the day-to-day delivery of the Department’s mandate, ensure high quality standards are observed, and collaborate with the Bank operations to further capacity development mainstreaming within the Bank. Specifically the Principal Capacity Development Officer ECAD0 has the following responsibilities:
Duties and responsibilities Under the supervision and guidance of the Senior Director of the African Development Institute, the Principal Capacity Development Officer will:
  • Mobilize resources from the Bank’s Trust Funds and other partners to deliver successful capacity development initiatives in the Bank’s RMCs.
  • Prepare input to the AfDB Annual Report and articles on capacity development.
  • Participate in peer review meetings in the annual preparation of the African Economic Outlook.
  • Represent the Senior Director in meetings upon request.
  • Undertake any other duties as may be requested by the Senior Director.
  • Contribute to the preparation of the Annual/Mid-year review of capacity development activities and duly prepare reports and presentations as may be required by Management.
  • In collaboration with ECVP and other Bank departments, design and deliver capacity development programmes in macroeconomic modelling, forecasting and analysis.
  • Task manage ongoing institutional support grants to regional economic capacity development institutions in Africa.
  • Task manage ongoing projects financed by the Bank’s Trust Funds.
  • Contribute to the review of Bank’s core policy, strategy and operational documents.
  • Participate in the design and delivery of macro-economic management tools and trainings in the RMCs, in collaboration with other relevant staff members across the Bank.
  • Participate in the identification and assessment of capacity needs and demand in the RMCs.
  • Task Manage capacity development activities in collaboration with country investment teams, to contribute to improve
  • Enhance partnerships with international, regional and national training institutions to deepen and expand the scope of capacity development activities in the RMCs.
Selection Criteria
  • Be results-oriented, concise planning to achieve anticipated outcomes.
  • Demonstrated team player with strong interpersonal and communication, problem solving, self-organization and time management skills. A client and results oriented individual with a proactive attitude.
  • Strong analytical and negotiation skills.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in French or English, with a good working knowledge of the other language.
  • Competence in the use of standard Bank software namely MS Office applications and SAP will be an advantage.
  • Hold at minimum a Ph.D in Economics, Finance, Social Sciences, or related fields.
  • Have a minimum of six (6) years of relevant and progressive professional experience in economic development, public policy analyses, and/or capacity development in international development settings and in Africa.
  • Have excellent knowledge of economic development models and a strong ability to interpret the results of research to facilitate policy dialogue.
  • Have proven ability to think strategically and to design long-term plans and programs in line with the Bank’s strategic priorities.
  • Demonstrate ability to build and manage strategic institutional partnerships for streamlined and increased support to capacity development in the RMCs.
  Application Deadline: 22nd January, 2020.        
Job Title: Principal Investigation Officer, PIAC.2 Reference: ADB/19/247 Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire Grade: PL4 Position N°: 50071198
The Complex
  • The President supervises several Departments and Divisions including Office of the President; Independent Development Evaluation Department; Office of Integrity and Anti-Corruption; Compliance Review and Mediation Department; Secretariat to the Sanctions Appeals Board; Administrative Tribunal; Office of the Auditor General; Group Risk Management Function Directorate; General Counsel and Legal Services Department; Communication and External Relations Department; Ethics Office and Office of the Secretary General & General Secretariat.
  • The President plans, supervises and manages the business of the Bank Group. Under the direction of the Boards of Directors, the President conducts the business of the Bank and the African Development Fund and manages operations and activities in accordance with the Agreements establishing the African Development Bank and the African Development Fund.
The Hiring Department/Division
  • The Investigations Division has the overriding mandate to undertake unhindered investigations into allegations of corruption, fraud and other malpractices in Bank Group Financed Operations and conduct investigations into allegations of misconduct involving staff members of the Bank.
  • The Office of Integrity and Anti-Corruption plays an integral role in achieving this mandate by protecting the Bank’s corporate image and reputation, and improving the continent's investment climate through the deterrence, prevention and reduction of fraud, corruption, staff misconduct and other harmful practices within the Bank Group.
The Position
  • The Principal Investigation Officer will be responsible for ensuring that unhindered investigations are conducted into allegations related to fraud, corruption and other malpractices in procurement in Bank Group financed activities or institutional procurement financed from the Bank Group’s administrative and capital expenditure budgets.
Duties and responsibilities Under the supervision and guidance of the Division Manager, the Principal Investigation Officer will:
  • Conduct field work, controlling evidence and data collection, and reviewing documents and information gathered in the course of an investigation to ensure that investigation objectives are achieved; that evidence is protected and adequately support the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the investigation.
  • Contribute to the processing of allegations of fraud and corruption and providing regular tracking to the Division Manager Investigation.
  • Prepare and review required written outputs of the highest quality with logical and clear presentations of investigative findings.
  • Undertake and/or lead investigations into allegations
  • Plan investigations and determine investigation objectives, scope, criteria, methodology to be used as well as staff and budget resources required to accomplish the assignment.
  • Receive, screen and investigate allegations or whistle-blowing on Fraud, Corruption and malpractices or suspicions thereof, in the Bank and in activities financed by the Bank, assigned by the Division Manager Investigation.
  • Assist the Division Manager Integrity and Prevention in conducting fraud risk assessment and prevention efforts in the Bank.
  • Review the results of preliminary inquiry to determine availability of sufficient evidence of wrongful conduct or irregularity to warrant comprehensive investigation.
  • Conduct specially sensitive and complex interviews and investigations.
  • Monitor the implementation of investigation recommendations to prevent reoccurrence of such irregularities and safeguard the assets and image of the Bank.
  • Prepare Quarterly Activity Reports containing the status of allegations, preliminary reviews and assignment progress for the attention of the Division Manager Investigation.
  • Monitor the implementation of investigation recommendations and report the status to the Division Manager Investigation.
  • Recommend debarment and imposition of sanctions against individuals, firms and companies found to have engaged in corrupt practices.
  • Contribute to special initiatives/projects and undertake other ad hoc assignments upon demand.
  • Operate procedures and mechanisms for ensuring confidentiality of the hotline facility, protection of the whistle-blowers and anonymous reporting of corruption and Fraud within the Bank and in activities financed by the Bank in Regional Member Countries.
  • Employ surveillance measures deemed necessary and reasonable for the furtherance of investigations
  • Report regularly to the Division Manager Investigation on the allegations received, screened and their investigation status.
Selection Criteria
  • Strong organizational and analytical ability with attention to detail.
  • Ability to work independently and manage challenges.
  • Ability to communicate effectively (written and oral) in English or French, preferably with a working knowledge of the other language.
  • Competence in the use of the Bank standard software applications (Word, Excel, Power point).
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills, both oral and written; proven ability to clearly and concisely prepare, present, discuss and defend issues, findings and recommendations at senior levels and to produce complex and compelling briefs, reports, papers, etc.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to work effectively in a team/task force as participant or team leader and with senior officials internally and externally.
  • Strong interviewing skills, including ability to create a focus during discussions and to elicit critical information from uncooperative witnesses.
  • Hold at least a Masters Degree or equivalent in Law, Criminology, Accountancy, Finance, Forensic Auditing or related field.
  • Knowledge and experience in institutional, national and international procurement is desirable.
  • Integrity, good judgment, fairness and discretion in dealing with staff and external parties.
  • Substantial experience in investigative work, preferably investigations relating to fraud and corruption in public or private sector, such experience may include misconduct investigations related to internal and public procurement in a corporate or government setting.
  Application Deadline: 15th January, 2020.        
Job Title: Lead Reviser - French, CHLS Reference: ADB/19/107/3 Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire [or potentially regional hub] Grade: PL2 Position N°: 50092483
The Complex
  • The Vice-Presidency, Human Resources and Corporate Services (CHVP) Complex ensures the delivery of efficient, people-centered, client-oriented, corporate services to ensure overall institutional effectiveness in all aspects of the Bank’s corporate services. The complex leads efforts to ensure the competitiveness of the Bank as the employer of choice and is responsible for providing leadership in the formulation and implementation of Bank’s strategies on people, IT, general services and institutional procurements, language services, business continuity, and health and safety strategies.
The Hiring Department:
  • In this regard, the Department accords high priority to ensuring an accurate and effective flow of communication within the Bank, and also between the Bank, its shareholders, development partners and the public at large, by providing the highest quality of translation, interpretation, editing and terminological services to the Institution. It also seeks to promote multilingualism to enhance communication among staff with the Bank’s clients and partners.
  • The primary role of the Language Services Department is to ensure, as required by the Bank's Agreement, the accessibility in the two working languages of the Bank (English and French, and on occasion Arabic and Portuguese) of all issues and documents submitted to Senior Management and governing bodies of the Bank, for efficient decision-making aimed at the achievement of the Bank's mission.
The Position
  • Under the general supervision of the Director, Language Services Department, the Lead Reviser will: i) contribute to strategic thinking on policies, rules and procedures governing the Bank's language services; ii) design and implement quality control mechanisms for translations produced by the Department; lead coaching and mentoring programs for translators and revisers; and iv) produce French translation and revision work of impeccable quality for the Bank.
Duties and responsibilities Under the supervision and guidance of the Director of Language Services Department, the Lead Reviser will provide high level language services, including but not limited to:
  • Design and implement programs aimed at building internal and external capacities in translation, editing and revision;
  • Revise translations of complex, highly technical and sensitive documents to be sent to the Bank’s Regional and Non-Regional Member Countries, including Head of State and Government;
  • Ensure the publication of high quality translations covering the full range of the Bank’s work, namely: reports of an economic and financial nature, statements from Senior Management, audit reports, planning and programming documents, project appraisal reports, legal documents, etc.;
  • Ensure quality control of Translation Bank-wide, with special focus on the quality ofdocuments to be submitted to Senior Management and Governing Bodies of the Bank;
  • Review, and update policies and procedures governing the Bank's language services;
  • Lead and ensure quality control of work done by translators and coordinate such activities during meetings and events organized by the Bank for its stakeholders at headquarters and abroad;
  • Lead brainstorming sessions within the Department for terminology harmonization across the Bank;
  • Devise strategies aimed at achieving the objectives of the Department and the Bank on multilingualism and translation;
  • Lead initiatives aimed at establishing or enhancing partnerships with sister institutions for knowledge sharing and staff exchange programs;
  • Serve as a contributing evaluator in the performance evaluation process of translators and revisers in accordance with Bank standards and practices;
  • Advise management on the budgetary and financial implications of translation activities and its impact on the Bank’s administrative budget;
  • Represent the Department in working groups comprising different organizational units of the Bank, at the request of the Director;
  • Lead the Terminology Committee to ensure that new and technical concepts used in the Bank’s documents are identified, reviewed, translated and included in a Terminology Compendium for Bank-wide distribution;
  • Spearhead and coordinate all professional and related training required in Translation, including training in the use of various computer-assisted translation tools.
Selection Criteria
  • Strong expertise in the formulation and implementation of relevant mentoring and development programs for teams of translators;
  • Ability to communicate efficiently (written and oral) in English or French;
  • High level skills and operational effectiveness;
  • Competence in the use of standard Microsoft Office Suite applications and demonstrate knowledge of other software packages applicable to translation (workflow, scheduling, translation memory, etc.).
  • Strong expertise in French revision;
  • Ability to think strategically with a view to identifying shortcomings in translation policies, procedures and processes and propose solutions to overcome them;
  • Ability to work under pressure, with calm and serenity, setting priorities and handling multiple tasks simultaneously;
  • Capacity to analyze complex translation requests and scenarios and find appropriate solutions;
  • Capacity to lead a group of professional staff and coordinate interactions with other teams in the Department and Bank-wide;
  • High sense of responsibility, confidentiality and discretion;
  • Have at least a Master’s Degree or its equivalent in translation;
  • Have at least 8 (eight) years of professional experience in a similar organization at increasing levels of responsibility;
  Application Deadline: 15th January, 2020.  
Job Title: Portfolio Results Officer, PINS2 Reference: ADB/19/249 Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire [or potentially regional hub] Grade: PL5 Position N°: 50000807
The Complex
  • The Vice Presidency for Private Sector, Infrastructure and Industrialization is central to the Bank’s mission of developing the private sector, improving infrastructure and accelerating industrialization. The complex main functions are: to (i) strengthen the enabling environment for private sector [and financial sector] development conducive to inclusive growth and sustainable development, (ii) support the development of reliable and sustainable infrastructure, including cities and urban development, and (iii) place renewed emphasis on industrial and trade performance in support of structural transformation across Africa. The Complex leverages knowledge, co-financing, and partnerships to attract private capital and work with governments on delivering the Bank’s development agenda.
The Hiring Department
  • The primary role of PINS is to: (i) assist Sector Departments to efficiently design and monitor NSOs, in a coherent manner, in line with the best market practices and in consistency with the Bank’s related Strategies, Policies and Guidelines, including the Bank’s Private Sector Development Strategy and Policy, (ii) manage the corporate portfolio and provide shared services to the other NSO departments
  • For effective, coherent and harmonized Private Sector Operations performed by the 5 sectoral departments of the Bank (Energy, Infrastructure, Industry and Trade, Agriculture and Social Services, Financial services) a Central Support Department for Non-Sovereign Operations (NSO)-related activities (PINS) was put in place.
The Position
  • The incumbent will also be responsible of the sections on the development impact of the periodic Flagship Portfolio Reports.
  • The incumbent also takes an active part in committees/task forces related to NSO corporate portfolio issues, within the Bank and, when required, those initiated and led by the other DFIs partners.
  • The Portfolio Results Officer is responsible for Quality Control and Reporting on the results of the NSO Portfolio.  He/She will also extend support to Sector Portfolio Officers and Project Monitoring Officers in performing their duties, in particular in the use of Key Performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the results and impact of NSOs and in the use of early warning tools.
Duties and responsibilities Under the supervision of the Division Manager, the Portfolio Results Officer will perform the following duties:
  • Coordinate the supervision and monitoring of NSOs’ Results, with Sector and Regional Organizational Units.
  • Conduct portfolio analytical work to provide Senior Management with current state of the portfolio performance from a development impact perspective, making recommendations to improve the developmental impact of the portfolio.
  • Periodically contribute to various flagships reports to Management.
  • Assist in designing capacity building programs for Investment and Portfolio Management Officers to improve NSOs’ implementation tracking.
  • Act as the focal point to coordinate work with various quality assessment and control organs (BDEV, SNOQ, etc.).
  • Perform other duties as assigned by immediate supervisor.
  • Review the monitoring of development results templates and related guidelines.
  • Provide inputs to the regular revision of the Result Based Logical Framework (RBLF) guide for each sector.
  • Participate in the design and implementation of tools, dashboards, and early warning system to improve the overall quality of the portfolio.
  • Develop benchmarks in line with market trends and best practices among Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).
  • Quality control of development results by reviewing the Supervision Reports prepared by Portfolio Management Officers.
  • Assist sector Portfolio Officers and Project Monitoring Officers in improving development results tracking, including through critical review of data collected.
  • Build an information basis that track, review and analyze data and consolidate results at corporate portfolio level.
Selection Criteria
  • Ability to respond swiftly to new situations and to anticipate new issues;
  • Sense of initiative and innovation with strong analytical and communication skills;
  • Team spirit with excellent interpersonal skills dealing with internal and external contacts;
  • Ability to communicate effectively (written and oral) in English or French, preferably with a working knowledge of the other;
  • Competency in the use of Bank’s standard software (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint). Knowledge of SAP is desirable.
  • Hold at least a Master's degree or its equivalent in Business Administration, Finance, Banking or Economics or Social Sciences;
  • Have a minimum of five (5) years of relevant professional experience in M&E techniques and practices. Knowledge of Multilateral Development Banks’ (MDB) private sector business will be an added advantage;
  • Comprehensive state-of-the-art understanding of development impact of private sector investments.;
  • Understanding and interest in economic concepts with good knowledge of international economic development issues;
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience of development results reporting, with strong drafting ability.
  • Analytical and numerical skills with a good eye for details and proficiency in the use of analysis tools, especially Excel;
  Application Deadline: 16th January, 2020.      
Job Title: Short Term Staff - HR Administration Assistant, CHHR2 Reference: ADB/20/001 Location: Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire Grade: GS5 /GS6 /GS7
The Complex
  • The complex leads efforts to ensure the competitiveness of the Bank as the employer of choice and is responsible for providing leadership in the formulation and implementation of Bank’s strategies on people, IT, general services and institutional procurements, language services, business continuity and, health and safety strategies.
  • The Vice-Presidency, Human Resources and Corporate Services (CHVP) ensures the delivery of efficient, people-centered, client-oriented, corporate services to ensure overall institutional effectiveness in all aspects of the Bank’s corporate services.
The Hiring Department
  • In order to create a truly transformed HR work-way, CHHR department is structured around a triangular Model: Business Partnerships for strategy, client contracting and HR delivery, Centers of Expertise/Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) for internal consulting, thought leadership, design, talent and staff development and training and best practice benchmarking, HR Shared Services for transactional excellence and employees outreach. This new HR Model will deliver a world-class employee life-cycle experience.
  • The role of the Human Resources Management department is to develop and execute a People Strategy, Policies, processes and practices which will enable the Bank to achieve its strategic Agenda. Core to the HR Strategy will be the attraction, development, engagement, motivation and retention of a best-in-class workforce.
The Position
  • The position holder works closely with the HR Administration Officer.
  • The Short-Term Staff - HR Administration Assistant will be assigned to a moderate range of technical support assignments in HR administration.
  • Accountabilities are set for the HR activity in his/her area of responsibility - complex, field office or special contracts.
  • The incumbent will process transactions in HRIS to perform specialized tasks.
  • S/he is responsible for carrying out administrative tasks related to HR administration and for assisting HR teams in providing statistics and data for decision support.
Duties and Responsibilities Under the immediate supervision of the HR Administration Officer, and the overall supervision of the Division Manager CHHR2, the incumbent will undertake the following Key Responsibilities: Provide administrative support to the administration of HR processes by:
  • Undertaking administration of staff dependents for new hires and update / changes by staff in liaise with HR Records section.
  • Collecting approval of individual HR action decided, update HR master data and follow up until completion.
  • Tracking staff movements within and without the Bank.
  • Maintaining and updating information on probation periods and fixed-term contracts of staff members.
  • Drafting statistics on recruitment, staff mobility, transfers and promotion.
  • Assisting staff members with administrative procedures for adoption.
  • Working with Shared Services teams, HR Benefits; HR Payroll; HR Master Data & HR Employee Help Desk in problem resolution and treatment of queries from employees.
  • Assisting in the administration of assumption of duty of Bank staff, Technical Assistants, Secondees, and Project Staff and also the administration of assumption of Staff transfers/Staff movements including Promotions, employment terminations.
  • Assisting in the process of reference checks for employees to verify a range of candidate information, including employment history, academic qualifications and security checks.
  • Preparing HR Administrative documents and decisions relating to regular and short-term staff, Technical Assistants, Secondees, Project Staff and others. These documents include new staff appointment contracts, and contract renewals, staff promotions and any other work related to contract processing.
  • Maintaining templates and letters for staff separation, staff assumption of duty, transfers, promotions, contract renewals, confirmations, leave without pay and staff testimonials.
  • Ensuring, in liaison with Records section, that electronic and hard copy personnel files are up-to-date.
  • Monitoring staff probation periods and process staff confirmation.
  • Undertaking the maintenance of the contract renewals/probationary periods in the Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) systems.
Perform day-to-day office management duties and provide assistance to other colleagues in the accomplishment of Division tasks when required. Selection Criteria
  • Ability to implement continual improvement activities to processes, with a keen eye for detail.
  • Ability to multitask, meet strict deadlines and work under a pressure.
  • Ability to work independently and coordinate with peers and other HR experts in a multidisciplinary multicultural team.
  • Excellent levels of initiative, enthusiasm, team spirit and organizational and interpersonal skills.
  • Client orientation.
  • Hold at least a Bachelor's Degree and or its equivalent in Information Systems
  • Have a minimum of four (4) years for GS5/GS6 and five (5) years for GS7 of relevant practical working experience in progressive positions.
  • Good planning and monitoring skills will be highly desirable.
  • A relevant and practical experience in Human Resources Management, Staff and Legal counselling will be an asset.
  • Proactive, solution oriented individual, keen to resolve challenges through innovation.
  • Team working and relations.
  • Ability to communicate effectively (written and oral) in English or French, preferably with a working knowledge of the other.
  • Good knowledge of the use of standard software (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and SAP). Good typing skills is highly desirable.
  • Demonstrates tact and diplomacy in dealing with clients and other team members.
  • Operational effectiveness.
  • Communication
  • Problem solving.
  Application Deadline: 15th January, 2020.      
Job Title: Senior Treasury Assistant, FITR2 Reference: ADB/20/002 Location: Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire Position N°: 50000913 Grade: GD8
The Complex
  • The Vice Presidency for Finance (FIVP) oversees the financial management of the Bank Group. This encompasses the Bank Group’s treasury activities including borrowings from the capital markets and investment activities; controllership functions including financial reporting and loan administration; strategic resource mobilization and the strengthening of the non-statutory financial resources and instruments; the overall asset/liability management for the Bank Group.
The Hiring Department/Division
  • The Senior Treasury Assistant’s job falls in the team of Capital Market Operations (CMO),
  • The Treasury department is responsible for raising funds from capital markets, managing and investing the Bank Group’s liquidity and shareholders’ funds, processing and settlement of all financial transactions and managing the institution’s banking relationships.
  • Under the supervision of the Manager Treasury Operations Division (FITR.2) the Capital Market Operations (CMO) section oversees the processing of Asset & Liability Management (ALM) transactions, the management of derivative collaterals, and the review of derivative documentations. The section also supervises the negotiations and management of all the custodian relationships, reconcile the securities accounts and monitor the processing of the corporate actions and the tax claim linked to investment instruments (Money Market, fixed income securities and  derivatives).
The Position
  • Maintaining dialogue with counterparties and custodians banks to reduce the incidence of errors and also to ensure that terms and conditions applicable to the accounts are respected
  • Ensuring that the reconciliation exercises are performed accurately and on exhaustive manner on all interests and redemptions reported on the expected cashflow report and the courant accounts and custody accounts.
  • Validating transactions details and cash-flow requirements to ensure funds availability.
  • Maintaining the custodian accounts to ensure accuracy of balances
  • The objective of the position of Senior Treasury Assistant is to settle the Bank Group's capital market transactions and to process the related investigations, with the objective of:
  • Ensuring that the payment of the Bank Group financial obligations (debt service and investments), the investment of coupons and redemption on custodian A/C’s are timely processed.
  • Ensuring that the Bank’s derivatives portfolio is adequately collateralized,
Duties and responsibilities The Senior Treasury Assistant will undertake the following functions: 1)  Participate in the settlement of capital market operations Investments:
  • Confirm the settlement instructions with the counterparty and assign them to the trade in Summit to generate the appropriate settlement instruction;
  • Upon receipt of trade tickets from Front Office through Middle Office, check the accuracy of the tickets and reconcile details against the confirmation received from the counterparty.
  • Reconcile confirmations issued and received related Money Market and FX deals in the reconciliation application GTMatch and investigate any mismatch with the counterparties.
  • Monitor live accounts statements on Swift throughout the day to ensure good execution of settlement operations.
  • Review and update periodically counterparties’ s payment details in SUMMIT;
  • Verify details such as the face value, type of security, the description of the security, trade date, value date, rate, yield, counterparty, the Clearing House, and the proceeds stated on the trade ticket by the trader.
  • Analyze each transaction and transfer the required funding to the custody bank for settlement;
  • Transfer proceeds of sale of bonds to the appropriate current account to meet financial obligations.
  • Review nonstandard coupon payment frequencies and advise supervisor, Risk Department and Capital Market team of any issues.
  • Monitor call on borrowing trades and prepare required instructions to the Issuing and Paying Agent for settlement.
  • Generate payment instructions to settle debt services.
  • Verify SUMMIT trade set up to facilitate cashflow generation, coupon calculation, and assign appropriate settlement instructions.
  • Reconcile borrowing and derivative cashflows generate by Summit with trade ticket, term sheet, pricing supplement and confirmation
  • Review bond issuances in local currencies to find if they are eligible for settlement with custodian/registrar to avoid settlement failure
  • Review and update periodically counterparties’ s payment details in Summit;
2) Assist in the Collateral Management activities
  • Agree with the counterparty on the type and amount of collateral to be exchanged and update the treasury applications in order to generate the related settlement instructions.
  • Reconcile the monthly collateral balances and interest on cash collateral with the derivatives counterparties and prepare the appropriate settlement instructions;
  • Review and update the static data of Credit Support Annex (CSA) and Global Master Repurchase Agreement of each counterparty in the treasury applications (SUMMIT, TRIOptima…)
  • Issue margin calls to derivative counterparties based on the portfolio valuations provided by the middle-office; reconcile margin calls received from counterparties and report any dispute to the middle-office for investigation.
3) Assist in the Settlement of Foreign Exchange Transactions
  • Check the rate quoted on both ticket and Reuters conversation with general level of market rate;  Generate the confirmations and notice to receive swift messages for the transactions, and post the accounting entries for the transactions;
  • Generate payment orders to cover counterparts for the foreign exchange trades  Maintain accurate filing for all foreign exchange transactions
  • Check the details on the deal slip with the details on the conversation print out from the Trader  to ensure accuracy, and perform the settlement process function in SAP for all the transactions;
4)  Assist on investigations and reporting Daily Coupon:
  • Generate periodic reports as requested by the accounting department (FIFC) in order to facilitate the bank reconciliation process.   Respond to queries from FIFC.
  • Prepare a monthly analysis of non-performing counterparties.
  • Manage bond certification to avoid inaccurate position and security being blocked.
  • Monthly Portfolio Valuation
  • Reconcile Summit securities positions report against custodian report on a monthly basis.
  • Download from custodian systems on a daily basis, interests and redemption report.  Analyze for reconciliation purpose.
  • Monitor withholding tax deduction on interest payments and ensure that waivers are processed timely and sent to custodians.
  • Identify bonds that undergo partial redemption and inform both the Front and Middle Office.
  • Prepare daily report of interests received to be used by the Front Office for investments.
  • Prepare monthly report of securities holdings to facilitate the location of the securities in case of sale.
5) Miscellaneous
  • Assist internal and external auditors by providing the requested information.
  • Maintain accurate filing for all transactions.
Selection Criteria
  • Knowledge and experience in capital market operations and being conversant with the full life of a trade including initiation, settlements, confirmation, payment processing especially the SWIFT.
  • An understanding of operational and reputational risks
  • Understanding of payment processing especially Swift messages
  • Demonstrable understanding and application of accounting principles
  • Strong Numerical and Analytical skills.
  • Problem solving: Ability to apply business knowledge to the resolution of problems and identify solutions to the benefit of the client (internal and external) and the organization.
  • Good written and verbal communication in English or French and preferably, a working knowledge of the other language.
  • Microsoft Office (word, excel, PowerPoint etc.). Knowledge of MISYS/SUMMIT, SAP/FI or other ERP, , SWIFT & GTMATCH.
  • Possess marketing and presentation skills to communicate with stakeholders
  • Client orientation: Ability to ensure that the client is considered to be of primary importance in all transactions and interactions. Strive to understand, and when appropriate, anticipate client needs, and ensure that the client receives the best possible service from the Bank.
  • Team work and relationship: Ability to work with others to maximize the effectiveness of the team as a whole, sharing the knowledge and workload. Develops strong working relationships with colleagues and contributes to creation of a positive team environment
  • Minimum of Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in Finance, Accounting, Economics, Business Administration or similar fields.
  • A minimum of six (6) years’ of relevant practical working experience.
  • Experience in accounting, treasury or finance
  • Private Sector Experience an added advantage
  Application Deadline: 17th January, 2020.    
How to Apply Interested and qualified candidates should: Click here to apply Important Information
  • To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.
  • Applicants who fully meet the Bank's requirements and are considered for interview will be contacted. Only online applications submitted with a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) and copies of the required degrees will be considered. The President, AfDB, reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level. The African Development Bank is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) does not ask for payments of any kind from applicants throughout the recruitment process (job application, CV review, interview meeting, and final processing of applications). In addition, the Bank does not request information on applicants’ bank accounts. The African Development Bank Group declines all responsibility for the fraudulent publications of job offers in its name or, in general, for the fraudulent use of its name in any way whatsoever.
  Application Deadline 15th January, 2020.