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Lasaco Assurance Plc Recruitment 2024

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Lasaco Assurance Plc job vacancies in Nigeria

If you're interested in working at Lasaco Assurance Plc, below is a list of current job vacancies and career opportunities at Lasaco Assurance Plc. You can browse and apply through this portal.

Lasaco Assurance Plc Job Vacancies in Lagos

LASACO Assurance Plc is a composite insurance and financial services company incorporated on 20th of December 1979 under the Companies Decree of 1968. The Company, then known as Lagos State Assuranc...

Lasaco Assurance Plc recruitment for Graduate Relationship Officers

Lasaco Assurance Plc is a composite insurance and financial services company incorporated on 20th of December 1979 under the Companies Decree of 1968. The Company, then known as Lagos State Assuranc...

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