Just for Laughs

A graduate in Biology from University of Benin was having difficulty in finding a job. He saw an advert in one of the daily newspapers for a job in a zoo.

In the interview, the manager told him that their gorilla, which had been tourists' attraction had died so they needed someone to dress up & pretend as gorilla.

The graduate was embarrassed, but since the salary was OK, he accepted the job.

The 1st day, he put on the gorilla skin & entered the cage, he started jumping up and down, beat his chest & roared like a gorilla.

The next day, he put on a gorilla skin & started moving around the zoo again & mistakenly entered another cage and found himself staring at a lion.
The lion roared & rushed towards him. The scared graduate quickly forgot that he was supposed to act like a gorilla & started shouting like a human being, "Help! Help!"

The lion leaped onto him, knocked him to the ground &whispered in his ear  "Sodiq"  it's me Lekan, your course mate. Shut up or we'll both lose our jobs!

Na wetin unemployment de cause.