Prosthodontist Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of a Prosthodontist includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Examining patients using X-rays and dental instruments to determine the type of dental prostheses required.
  • Consulting with patients to discuss their dental concerns and medical histories.
  • Taking impressions of patients' jaws and teeth to determine the dimensions of the dental prostheses to be fabricated.
  • Sending wax models of dental prostheses to the laboratory for fabrication.
  • Fitting newly-fabricated dental prostheses in patients' mouths and assessing whether adjustments are required.
  • Performing teeth whitening procedures to treat extrinsic tooth discoloration.
  • Using bonding procedures to repair cracks and chips, fill small gaps between the teeth, and alter the size of teeth.
  • Collaborating with dental and healthcare specialists to develop suitable treatment plans for patients.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Prosthodontist duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Prosthodontist roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.