Production Runner Salary in Nigeria

Find out how much a Production Runner earns across various companies in Nigeria.

A production runner is an entry-level position, the most junior role in the production department of a broadcast, film or video company. There is no single job description as runners act as general assistants and undertake whatever basic tasks are required to ensure the smooth running of the production process.

Runners’ general responsibilities include tea making, transporting scripts and hire equipment, taking messages, looking after guests and getting everything in place for shoots.

How much is a Production Runner paid in Nigeria?

Production Runner salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, professional experience and even the hiring company. Jobzilla Nigeria analyzes the market remunerations and helps you negotiate your pay with confidence.

Production Runner Salaries in Nigeria

We're compiling Production Runner salaries in Nigeria, please check back shortly.