Data Processing questions and answers

Data Processing Questions and Answers

Data Processing questions to test candidates’ acquisition of basic skills of data processing and knowledge in the application of ICT in facilitating business transactions and education.


Computer ethical practises include the following except


Respect for intellectual property


Exposure of vulnerability in websites


Use of polite words on other users


Use of other people’s computer without due permission

Correct answer is D

Computer ethical practices include the following, but they do not include:

Use of other people's computer without due permission.

The other options listed are generally considered ethical practices in the realm of computer use and technology. However, using someone else's computer without permission is a violation of privacy and unauthorized access, which goes against ethical guidelines. It's important to respect the rights and ownership of others' devices and 


Figure 5 is an MS PowerPoint application interface. The part used to apply motion effect to different objects of a slide is labelled









Correct answer is C

The part used to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide in PowerPoint is "Animation". Animation effects in MS PowerPoint allow users to add movement, entrance, exit, and emphasis to individual objects on a slide. These effects help make presentation more dynamic and engaging.


People who use cathode ray tube monitor without antiglare screen are susceptible to


Blurred vision


Back ache


Repetitive strain injury


Stiffness of the wrist

Correct answer is A

People who use cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors without antiglare screens are susceptible to blurred vision. CRT monitors emit a significant amount of glare and can cause reflections on the screen due to ambient light sources. This glare and reflection can lead to visual discomfort, including blurred vision and eyestrain, when using the monitor for extended periods.

Antiglare screens or filters are used to reduce glare and reflections, making the screen easier to view and reducing the strain on the eyes. While CRT monitors are less common today, the issue of glare and visual discomfort is relevant to any type of screen, including modern LCD and LED displays.



Macromedia Dreamweaver application is used for


Surfing the internet


Graphic design


Intranet communication


Web design

Correct answer is D

Macromedia Dreamweaver (now part of Adobe Creative Cloud) is an application primarily used for web design. It's a professional web development tool that allows designers and developers to create, edit, and manage websites and web applications. Dreamweaver provides a visual interface for designing web pages and also offers coding capabilities for those who want to work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies.

The application is not used for graphic design, intranet communication, or general internet browsing, as its main focus is on web development and design.



Artificial intelligence is a feature of


Fifth generation computers


Third generation computers


Second generation computers


Fourth generation computers

Correct answer is A

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a feature of fifth generation computers.

The first generation of computers were mainframe computers that used vacuum tubes. The second generation of computers used transistors, which were smaller and more efficient than vacuum tubes. The third generation of computers used integrated circuits (ICs), which allowed for even more compact and powerful computers. The fourth generation of computers used microprocessors, which are even smaller and more powerful than ICs.

Fifth generation computers are still in development, but they are expected to use artificial intelligence (AI) to perform tasks that are currently beyond the capabilities of human computers. For example, fifth generation computers could be used to translate languages, diagnose diseases, and write creative content.