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Victory Empowerment Center Microfinance Salary Scale

Address: Not available

How much does Victory Empowerment Center Microfinance pay in Nigeria?

Want to know what employees earn at Victory Empowerment Center Microfinance? Take a look at Victory Empowerment Center Microfinance salary structure in Nigeria below to help you increase your bargaining power during the interview.

Designation Salary Other Benefits
Credit Officer - Entry Level
₦50,000 - ₦60,000
/ month
Not available

The above salaries are derived from employer job postings on Jobzilla

Victory Empowerment Center Microfinance Salaries submitted by People like you

Mar 15, 2024, 7:09 AM

Branch manager - 10
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If you have worked or have an insider at Victory Empowerment Center Microfinance, please help others make informed decisions by sharing job designations and their respective salaries at Victory Empowerment Center Microfinance.