Artist Duties & Responsibilities

The role and function of an Artist includes the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Project planning, creating and managing a budget, financial planning, calculating expenditure;
  • Generating ideas, idea development, sketching, making models;
  • Creating or developing a piece of work in response to a brief or commission;
  • Meeting deadlines;
  • Liaising with contacts, gallery owners, curators and other artists;
  • Curating individual and group shows;
  • Writing project proposals for galleries, competitions or artist residencies;
  • Negotiating a sale or commission;
  • Self-promotion, networking, attending private views and other events;
  • Sourcing materials and developing relationships with suppliers;
  • Researching, visiting locations, interviewing people, using libraries and the internet;
  • Administration, correspondence, creating publicity;
  • Managing tax and self-employment issues;
  • Organization and administration tasks associated with running a studio;
  • Writing press releases;
  • Maintaining a portfolio which will typically include a website;
  • Working in a studio or off-site and adhering to health and safety procedures;
  • Writing funding applications (public and private);
  • Applying for residencies and competitions;
  • Evaluating a project and feeding back to the main funder or sponsor.

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of Artist duties and responsibilities. Job functions for specific Artist roles may vary, depending on the industry and type of employer.