Job Vacancies in Ikot Ekpene, June 2024

Want to work in Ikot Ekpene? Looking for current job vacancies in Ikot Ekpene? Jobzilla Nigeria offers you the latest verified job vacancies in Ikot Ekpene. We regularly publish a variety of career opportunities in Ikot Ekpene to keep you updated with the latest job vacancies in Ikot Ekpene. Browse through our website to see employment and recruitment opportunities available in Ikot Ekpene today. Vacancies for Customer Support Agents - We are an online travel agency that specialises in hotel bookings within Nigeria. We help customers book hotel rooms online, provide comprehensive help and support to our clients and make ...

Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic recruitment for Academic and Non-Academic Staff 2017

AKWA IBOM STATE POLYTECHNIC, IKOT OSURUA, IKOT EKPENE JOB VACANCIES: EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ADVERTISEMENT Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified candidates to fill the foll...